What does or does not make the U.S. inherently different from the rest of the world?

American Exceptionalism Watch the video links provided below. The concept of American Exceptionalism has been floating around for generations in the U.S. then and even now. Is the concept of American Exceptionalism toxic or productive? What does or does not make the U.S. inherently different from the rest of the world? Is it important or […]

How can a new leader overcome insecurities and prevent psychological damage due to ineffective managing skills and need to lead alone?

Consider the following scenario: You have just received a promotion to become the supervisor of the public information office for your agency. You are thrilled about your new job and anxiously await the opportunity to work with your staff of seven people, both to improve how your agency responds to requests for information and to […]

What shared assumptions come to mind that are important to the people of the organization?

Interview your subject (interviewee) to discover information regarding his/her organization’s culture by asking the following questions: Tell me about the relationship of your organization’s people to the mission, vision, and values of the organization. Are the people in your organization used to taking risks (innovation) or is organizational stability more important (the status quo)? Are […]