What essentially is the human being for Plato as you can gather from this dialogue?

At the end of the Meno (around 100b) Socrates says that if Meno can convince Anytus of the things they have concluded in the dialogue he will provide a benefit to the Athenians. Given the background of the Apology what do you think Socrates means by this. What is the overall topic of the Meno? […]

Do these definitions have any practical relevance? explain using examples from the dialogues and or your own experience.

In the Euthyphro Socrates insists on the importance of definition. If one doesn’t know a things definition then one can’t know a thing. This requirement has led to the charge of the Socratic fallacy; one can use word properly (be a competent language user) without actually knowing the definition of a word. This issue is […]

What is the overall topic of the Meno? and how is it relevant to the Athenians or to us for that matter?

At the end of the Meno (around 100b) Socrates says that if Meno can convince Anytus of the things they have concluded in the dialogue he will provide a benefit to the Athenians. Given the background of the Apology what do you think Socrates means by this. What is the overall topic of the Meno? […]

Discuss How does this discussion relate to politics? What is the role of pleasure and moral goodness in politics? How does this discussion relate to Socrates’ conclusion that you can’t pursue moral goodness as a politician?

Plato wants the readers of his dialogues Gorgias and The Apology to think about the relationship between politics, rhetoric, and ethics. The primary goal of Gorgias seems to be to disconnection the ideas of doing good and experiencing pleasure. Gorgias and his companions seem to think that experiencing pleasure is the essence of moral goodness. […]