How will you use figurative language such as metaphor and alliteration?

Creative Archetype Assignment Prompt 1: Short Story Create a short story using all you have learned so far in the unit. Include archetypes, literary elements, figurative language, and academic vocabulary words you learned in the course to shape your story. What is the setting, plot, characters, etc. How will you use figurative language such as […]

Compare your character to a Greek god or goddess, or one of the Endless. Discuss the similarities you find between your character and the mythic archetype. As you compare, consider why these traits might be repeated in this modern form.

Please write a 1-2 page journal reflecting on the following prompt: Choose a fictional character from a story we haven’t read as part of the class. This may be a character from a movie, a television show, a short story, a comic, or a novel. Complete a basic analysis of your character determining their character […]