What is the purpose of each component of this architecture?

Business Intelligence Questions Q2 (100 pts) Suppose your task as a software engineer at Company X is to design a data mining system to examine their internal data, which contains the following information such as: product name, location address, and order status, etc. Describe the architecture/Block diagram you would choose. What is the purpose of […]

Explain three types of architecture and how they are represented in the world and in the last paragraph you will conclude by explaining the importance of architecture and your opinion about it.

Architecture Evaluation (4 paragraphs) In a Google Docs document, in the first paragraph you will have a thesis about what you will discuss in your writing and the introduction of what defines architecture. In the second, third and fourth paragraph you will explain three types of architecture and how they are represented in the world […]

How was it a reflection of the culture that made it-What was the historical context?

https://smarthistory.org/sarcophagus-of-junius-bassus/ https://smarthistory.org/santa-sabina/ https://smarthistory.org/hagia-sophia-istanbul/ https://smarthistory.org/san-vitale/   Watch the 7 videos below and select 4 to write about. Write 5 significant things that you learned about each work of art or architecture. For example: What was the subject matter? What was its purpose/function? How was it a reflection of the culture that made it? What was the […]

Would design and implement a disassembler for the SIC/XE instruction set

Task In this assignment, you would design and implement a disassembler for the SIC/XE instruction set architecture. The disassembler should be able to open an object code file along with its accompanying symbol file, disassemble the object code, and output the disassembled assembly code to an assembly listing file. The assembly listing file format can […]

What are the functions of the object? Remember, usually there are more considerations to design than simply aesthetics.

Design Appreciation Overview of Assignment Requirements Some say there is currently a revival of the Arts and Crafts movement in our society. This week,select a contemporary design object (examples include products, fashion, crafts, architecture created during the last 20 years), which adheres to the original ideals of the Arts and Crafts movement. Address the following […]

Write about how to control water flow rate at LA River near south gate park by naturalize LA River into smaller body water.

LA River Flood and how to control it Write about how to control water flow rate at LA River near south gate park by naturalize LA River into smaller body water. How landscape and ecology changing between Flood and Dry season by using Architecture method. What activities could happen on Flood and Dry season.   […]

How does the Pantheon’s structure (shape and construction) create a symbolic connection between the heaven and earth, between the gods and humans?

Architecture What is the purpose/function of the Pont du Gard? What are the benefits of a round arch over post-and-lintel construction? pont du gard How does the Pantheon’s structure (shape and construction) create a symbolic connection between the heaven and earth, between the gods and humans? Remember to use your architectural vocabulary pantheon rome What […]

How deeply is the solution described within the context of the organization? Are Final project Report

Enterprise architecture report(TOGAF) Suitability of the EA practices: Is the chosen practices realistic and suitable? ( /2 ) Implementation of the EA solution: To what level were you able to understand the EA framework? How deeply is the solution described within the context of the organization? Are Final project Report you going to modify the […]

How important was it to practice the active religion during the evolution of Egyptian civilization? 6000 BC – 3000 BC)

Egyptian religion’s influence on the evolution of its civilization. Locate at least 10 sources (5 primary and 5 secondary) that will assist you in answering your question(s) o Primary source material includes sources from the period being studied and can include, but are not limited to: letters, histories, journals, paintings, architecture, sculpture, etc. o Acceptable […]