Describe ONE argument or concept developed during what might be called the postcritical era in architecture, i.e. the time after the successive movements in critical theory could be taken for granted in the architectural discourse and no longer as disruptive alterations of what architecture might be.

Describe ONE argument or concept developed during what might be called the postcritical era in architecture, i.e. the time after the successive movements in critical theory could be taken for granted in the architectural discourse and no longer as disruptive alterations of what architecture might be. What was the main point of the concept you […]

What are the barriers to a more automated digital design and manufacturing process for complexgeometry GFRC?Discuss

(1) What are the current constraints in the design and manufacturing processes that limit advancesin complex geometry GFRC? (2) What are the barriers to a more automated digital design and manufacturing process for complexgeometry GFRC?

Discuss the different information management roles and how their responsibilities can be defined using the RACI matrix.

Week 04: Explain how the Common Data Environment (CDE) helps overcome poor information management and identify and discuss at least one commercially available collaborative platform which can used with CDE processes Week 05: Discuss the different information management roles and how their responsibilities can be defined using the RACI matrix. Week 06: Identify and discuss […]

Describe legal aspects and concepts in different types of design, engineering and construction contracts such as Contract Information, interpretation, rights and duties, changes, liabilitiesand responsibilities, professional ethics of architects, engineers, employers, and contractors

CLO1.Recognize the rights, duties and risks allocated to an architectural engineer in design and during the construction processin different types of international contracts.SO1, SO3 CLO2. Describe legal aspects and concepts in different types of design, engineering and construction contracts such as Contract Information, interpretation, rights and duties, changes, liabilitiesand responsibilities, professional ethics of architects, engineers, […]

Discuss the works of art in one essay including material/medium, subject matter, formal qualities and function.

Answer 2 parts from the ppt 1.choose one pair of works. Please identify both works of art or architecture Discuss the works of art in one essay including material/medium, subject matter, formal qualities and function. 2.From the ppt please discuss the following three works of art that you have not seen in class. Finish all […]

Discuss How did the gallery adapt the exhibition for the pandemic (if applicable)? If you are visiting an online exhibition, does it translate successfully to an online format?

Your review should contain the following: 1. Introduction & background. (1 paragraph) Assume that your reader has not seen the exhibition that you are reviewing and provide some useful context. a. What exhibition are you reviewing? Who is the artist? Who is the curator? b. What gallery are you visiting (in person or online)? c. […]

The Baptistery of the Cathedral at Pisa is an example of Romanesque architecture.Discuss the characteristics of this building that reveal its classical past and the characteristics that place it in the Romanesque period. Use examples from both the interior and exterior of the building.

The Baptistery of the Cathedral at Pisa is an example of Romanesque architecture. In a 300-500 word essay discuss the characteristics of this building that reveal its classical past and the characteristics that place it in the Romanesque period. Use examples from both the interior and exterior of the building.