Describe the merit argument-Give some issues with the merit argument-discuss whether you think it succeeds as an argument against preferential hiring.

From Chapter 11, Describe the merit argument. Give some issues with the merit argument, and discuss whether you think it succeeds as an argument against preferential hiring. Give philosophically adequate arguments. Give an accurate analysis of the arguments presented and to give well-constructed arguments. Lastly, give an accurate account of the theories and terms presented […]

What is the main argument or point of the article,-chapter or reading selection? What did the author(s) want to get across in the reading?

The courts 1. What is the general topic of the article, chapter or reading selection? 2.Summarize the article, chapter or reading selection: 3.What is the main argument or point of the article, chapter or reading selection? What did the author(s) want to get across in the reading? 4.Discuss at least one main point or part […]

What does the Justified True Belief theory of knowledge say about what is necessary and sufficient for knowledge?

On Gettier, “Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?” What does the Justified True Belief theory of knowledge say about what is necessary and sufficient for knowledge? Provide your own example of knowledge that meets these conditions. Does Gettier argue that these conditions are unnecessary, insufficient, or both? Why so? Provide your own Gettier-style counter-example that demonstrates […]

what the argument could be bf what it’s based on how you might use counter argument to support your claim

1One is completing the matrix table then based on that write a 1. Simple thesis 2 a complex thesis 3 describe what rhetorical appeal(s) you have used why this is the best Avenue 4 consider possible counter arguments you might encounter ( who might argue against you?, what the argument could be bf what it’s […]

Is Google Making Us Stupid?What does Carr claim and how convincing is the evidence he points to in support of his argument? Do you or disagree with what Carr asserts? What experiences or examples have you encountered that you would put forward to support your position?Summarize

Write an argumentative essay responding to “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr. Be sure to summarize, paraphrase, and quote the author’s ideas to an appropriate degree. What does Carr claim and how convincing is the evidence he points to in support of his argument? Do you or disagree with what Carr asserts? What […]

What is the argument being made?Who is the speaker? Is s/he credible in this occasion? (ethos)What is the argument? Is it logical?

Questions You Most Answer • What is the argument being made? (Thesis Statement) • Evaluate one of the rhetorical appeals (Body Paragraph 1): o Who is the speaker? Is s/he credible in this occasion? (ethos) o What is the argument? Is it logical? (logos) o Flow does the text connect with its audience? What emotions […]

What are the questions that scholars have asked?Is there a debate/s around this object, and if so, what is it or are they, and who says what (and what evidence do they use to support their argument)?Can you think of what has not been studied and what should be considered for this object?

The goal of your work is to provide an analysis of the “state of the research”on this topic, that is: what is known about this topic, what are the questions that scholars have asked?Is there a debate/s around this object, and if so, what is it or are they, and who says what (and what […]

Explain an argument and give a motivated objection to that argument.

Topic: Philosophy Essay Paper details: The goal of this essay is to explain an argument and give a motivated objection to that argument. The topic/argument for the essay is completely up to you. Let me know if you have any other questions. I’ve also added a rubric that should give a better understandifktng of what […]

Summarize what he claims the cause of the war was and the chain reaction he describes. You may want to take notes as you read, because you need to accurately describe his argument.

Description Watch this video: Step 1: Summarize what he claims the cause of the war was and the chain reaction he describes. You may want to take notes as you read, because you need to accurately describe his argument. Step 2: Rewatch the video. This time, pay attention to all the sources he’s using to […]