Provide a clear argument in response to the statement, and develop that argument in a logical and coherent way.

Description This reflective piece of writing is an opinion piece; so there will need to own thoughts but a use of books to back up opinions. Very short piece, only 500 words (not incl. footnotes) A firm and clear contention and support that contention with appropriate and relevant examples. Provide a clear argument in response […]

Compose a proposal argument that convinces readers to take action to solve a problem or address an issue in your specific neighborhood, city, or surrounding area.

Compose a proposal argument that convinces readers to take action to solve a problem or address an issue in your specific neighborhood, city, or surrounding area. The paper can draw from your point of view about a change that needs to take place in your community and/or day-to-day life. The purpose of this paper is […]

Summarize and analyze the article with the material and concepts from this chapter. Apply knowledge to the U.S. Department of Justice and write about an issue in this environment that resonates with you.

Description Find an article from the business literature that highlights key elements in Chapter 6. Summarize and analyze the article with the material and concepts from this chapter. Apply knowledge to the U.S. Department of Justice and write about an issue in this environment that resonates with you. This criterion is linked to a learning […]

Explain why your evidence is important or directly related to your argument?

Number each sentence. Make a concrete, persuasive, organized argument. Tell the audience what your argument is about. Sentence One: ____________________________________________________ Once you’ve told the audience what your argument is about, you need to explain what exactly you meant. It is very important that you explain logically why your argument is true. Sentence Two: ______________________________________________ Provide […]

What problems did you encounter while you were working on this piece? How did you solve them? Look specifically at the unit objectives.

Reflect backward on your learning: Before writing the reflection, begin by reflecting on the following questions: • How much did you know about academic writing and classical argument before you started? • What process did you go through to produce the classical argument? • Have you done a similar kind of argument in the past […]

To what extent is the pro-con argument about capital punishment based upon facts or values? Briefly discuss capital punishment from both a deontological and utilitarian ethical perspective.

Discussion questions: 1-3. Answer 3 discussion questions from chapter 4. Pick 3 questions from the end of the chapter and answer. Please type questions picked in bold and respond in normal font. Use books as references and citations. These are two different assignments in one paper. heres the link to the book : ________________________________________________ Then, […]

What is the idea that binds each of the chapters of the book together? You must identify two-to-three pieces of evidence that support your contention.

In City of Inmates, Kelly Lytle-Hernández argues, “Mass incarceration is mass elimination” (1). Over the course of over 200 years, she tracks how the development of penal institutions and policing orthodoxies on the land that would become Los Angeles provide evidence to this idea. For this reflection, you are required to expand on Lytle-Hernández’s introductory […]

What, if any, are the strengths of the argument?What, if any, are the weaknesses of the argument?Discuss.

Length: 500 words (plus or minus 10%). The document should be formatted with 1.5 line spacing. Critical Reading Exercise Template Student name: Student number: Text: Machtan, L. (2001). Hitler, Rohm, and the night of the long knives. History Today, 51(11), 5-17. Read the text, then answer the following questions: In assessing strengths and weaknesses, look […]

Examine both sides of the issue. State why your side is preferable. State a clear conclusion of what action you desire your decision maker to take.

At the beginning of your paper clearly explain how you critically analyzed your proposition and how your analysis helped to refine your proposition. Clearly state your proposition as refined. Clearly identify the decision maker- to whom the proposition is meant to be presented, and what it is you want the decision maker to do to […]