How is the argument supported-What type of source materials does the author use?

Students will write weekly response papers (8 total) that synthesize the assigned readings. These papers should be 2 pages and contain three key elements: 1) Summary of the Argument(s): Describe the main historical argument of the text. What is the main point of argumentation? Note: If you are dealing with a group of articles or […]

Does your Introduction include your opposing argument-Did you use Rogerian Argumentation?

New to Argumentative: Did you open with a salutation? Does your Introduction include your opposing argument? Did you use Rogerian Argumentation? Did you make your opponent feel respected? Do you have at least 2 of the following-ethos, pathos, logos? Write the word in parenthesis (logos) next to each example. This is worth Look to the […]

How thoroughly did the paper identify the different sides of the argument?-How seriously did the author treat counterarguments?

End The War On Black Americans: A Call To Defund The Police This is a persuasive essay. The position for the paper is FOR Defunding The Police to protect Black communities. How clear and relevant was your argument, and how did you back it up with evidence? Did you give a relatively complete account of […]

What sort of proposition does the speaker make for their speech? (Is this centered around a proposition of fact, value, or policy, and why?)

What sort of proposition does the speaker make for their speech? (Is this centered around a proposition of fact, value, or policy, and why?) What was your knowledge of this issue before hearing about this speech and what was your stance (opposed, no opinion, or in favor)? Did the speakers’ message target you (why or […]