Which one of the following is not an input device?

GENERAL CONCEPTS ABOUT COMPUTERS & HARDWARE Choose the correct option for the following statements. Another name for a desktop computer is. Mainframe computer Tablet PC Personal computer Parallel computer Which one of the following is not an input device? Scanner Mouse Keyboard Speaker This part tells the rest of the computer system to carry out […]

Create another array and print the computed fabanocci sequence in reverse.

This assignment covers the usage of basic arithmetic instructions as used in assignment 1, along with understanding of arrays and how arrays are stored in the main memory. make sure that you understand all the material covered until week 16 lectures. This assignment will mainly test your understanding of arrays, how to store them and […]

What information do you have and what information might you still need to solve this problem?

Solving Real World Problems Scenario Choice 1: (enter your chosen scenario here) Answer the questions below to explain how you would apply arithmetic or algebra to solve this problem. You can assume/infer anything you need to apply the scenario to your life (for example: how many times you would go to the gym each week […]

Explain the differences between the arithmetic return and the geometric return. Include in your explanation what factor determines the difference between arithmetic returns and geometric (compounded) returns.

Description How do you feel about the following statement: “Avoiding risks is the biggest risk of all”? That statement may seem contradictory at first, but it makes more sense if you apply the concept to various situations in life and business. For example, many people pursue a college degree because they feel it will increase […]