What do we learn from about traditional craft practices by reading the accounts of artists/craftspeople, contracts, or the descriptions of art and architecture written during the Renaissance or Medieval periods?

Choose one of the following subjects for your essay. Note: Most of the essay subjects deal with general issues, but you are advised to focus your attention when you approach your essay. For instance, you may choose to limit your argument to a single region or period. In some of the essay subjects it may […]

Discuss two works of art that Lorenzo commissioned and why did he commission them? Did he want to show the prominence of Florence, show his own status or promote an idea?

The essay question is “with reference to one specific family member and a work/works commissioned by them, discuss the importance of the Medici family as renaissance patrons.” The chosen member is Lorenzo the magnificent. The essay can have some sort of an introduction which refers to the question itself. Then it can have a short […]

Identify a conceptual theme important for understanding both objects,Compare and contrast how the objects engage with that theme

Each image is attached. Please compare pic1 and pic2, pic3 and pic4, pic5 and pic6, pic7 and pic8, respectively For each pair of objects, write a short essay in which you • identify a conceptual theme important for understanding both objects • compare and contrast how the objects engage with that theme • support your […]

Introduce the genre of historical drama? What the historical drama films are?Discuss

Questions: Introduce the genre of historical drama? What the historical drama films are? Why these films are important for the audience ( educational purposes, and to remember all these talented people and what they brought to our culture and art) Examples and analysis of the film Sin and the portrayal of Michelangelo Buonarroti in film.

What is the major difference between the art of these two traditions? What is the central reason for this difference? Christian art and the art of Byzantium.

READ CHAP. 4 & CHAP. 5. Consider, this question, about the chapters you’re reading: Jews, Christians and Muslims all share a belief in God, yet their respective traditions in art differ greatly from one another. In Ch. 4, we encounter early Christian art and the art of Byzantium. Ch. 5 introduces some of the traditions […]

Discuss some obstacles that reinforce the gender binary in the fashion industry. What are some possibilities to remove these obstacles?

Please watch the video below from 1:00-7:47 (you can view the whole video if you choose, but this is the part that I am referencing in this week’s question). states in the video “it is easier to expect us to be resilient than it is to remove the obstacles that make it so impossible for […]

Describe the properties that make aquatic exercise safer and more enjoyable than other forms of exercise.

question 1 You have been requested to audition with a local gym to demonstrate your abilities as a group exercise instructor. You will be conducting a thirty-minute imaginary class of your choice. Please describe any logistical concerns you must prepare for i.e., equipment, music, etc. Additionally, describe the class you will be teaching, and provide […]

Based on Schoenberg’s comments, what do you think Schoenberg believed art’s responsibility was? Do you agree?Explain.

Schoenberg famously disliked Weill’s and Brecht’s music, saying that it showed “a lack of conscience” and “a disturbing lack of responsibility.” Based on Schoenberg’s comments, what do you think Schoenberg believed art’s responsibility was? Do you agree? Please don’t use work cited page