Analyze how this artist uses line, volume, color, spatial illusion, balance, focal point, unity or variety of composition; ask yourself if this work is more realistic or abstract ?

I. Start out with a thesis statement of purpose: “The purpose of my paper is to evaluate what kind of Modernist ideas are visualized in the paintings of Pablo Picasso … “ or something similar. II. Present cultural and historical context of the artist’s work III. Analyze style: how this artist uses line, volume, color, […]

What are the key themes and characteristics in the artist’s work? Choose at least two or three artworks by the artist to focus on and evaluate. Compare and contrast these works and explain why they appeal to you and how the works convey the artist’s style. How did the artist contribute to a particular movement? How did the artist influence other artists?

Your paper should briefly review the life and art of the particular artist and briefly discuss the contributions of the artist to art history. What are the key themes and characteristics in the artist’s work? Choose at least two or three artworks by the artist to focus on and evaluate. Compare and contrast these works […]

What the event was? Did you meet anyone who can be a part of your network? What did you learn?Discuss

Topic: Event Report Paper details: You are required to attend a professional Chicago area art and design event* and submit a written document of the event. What the event was? Did you meet anyone who can be a part of your network? What did you learn? Etc. The report should be at least a page […]

What is genre subversion? In what ways did Psycho subvert the horror genre in 1960?Discuss

Answer the following questions using complete sentences in paragraph from, using proper spelling, grammar, and conventions. You’re expected to mostly fill the space provided, and you must provide evidence from the film to support your claims. 1. What is genre subversion? In what ways did Psycho subvert the horror genre in 1960? (2 points) 2. […]

Dscuss how Torres-Garcia and Cordeiro each deployed the visual languages of Constructivism to advance their respective avant-garde projects, quoting directly from the manifestos they each wrote. .

Although visual artists in Latin America engaged with the European avant-gardes throughout the twentieth century—with travels, circulating exhibitions, and reproductions in books and journals—artists in the Southern Cone were especially engaged with European Constructivism. Joaquin Torres-Garcia and Waldemar Cordeiro are two distinct visual artists, working in different cosmopolitan centers and periods, that are examples of […]

Discuss how Torres-Garcia and Cordeiro each deployed the visual languages of Constructivism to advance their respective avant-garde projects, quoting directly from the manifestos they each wrote

Although visual artists in Latin America engaged with the European avant-gardes throughout the twentieth century—with travels, circulating exhibitions, and reproductions in books and journals—artists in the Southern Cone were especially engaged with European Constructivism. Joaquin Torres-Garcia and Waldemar Cordeiro are two distinct visual artists, working in different cosmopolitan centers and periods, that are examples of […]

Discuss how Torres-Garcia and Cordeiro each deployed the visual languages of Constructivism to advance their respective avant-garde projects

Although visual artists in Latin America engaged with the European avant-gardes throughout the twentieth century—with travels, circulating exhibitions, and reproductions in books and journals—artists in the Southern Cone were especially engaged with European Constructivism. Joaquin Torres-Garcia and Waldemar Cordeiro are two distinct visual artists, working in different cosmopolitan centers and periods, that are examples of […]

Compare and contrast how the film and paintings depict Kahlo’s personality, physical appearance, life experiences, relationships, politics, and/or pain.

  In your paper, compare and contrast how the film and paintings depict Kahlo’s personality, physical appearance, life experiences, relationships, politics, and/or pain. You must reference specific scenes from the film as evidence, in addition to thorough descriptions and interpretations of the paintings. You should further comment on how the artist’s work influenced the film’s […]

Write about the background of the genre and background of the plays,Write briefly on the characters , dramatic structure and theme of each of the plays and then MOST IMPORTANTLY FOCUS ON ONE POINT ″ FIND A POINT IN EACH OF THE PLAYS THAT INTRIGUES YOU AND FOCUS ON IT″

You have to write about two of those attached plays: you can choose any two. – write about the background of the genre and background of the plays -write briefly on the characters , dramatic structure and theme of each of the plays and then MOST IMPORTANTLY FOCUS ON ONE POINT ″ FIND A POINT […]

Write about the background of the genre and background of the plays,write briefly on the characters , dramatic structure and theme of each of the plays

You have to write about two of those attached plays: you can choose any two. – write about the background of the genre and background of the plays -write briefly on the characters , dramatic structure and theme of each of the plays and then MOST IMPORTANTLY FOCUS ON ONE POINT ″ FIND A POINT […]