What was you initial response to the piece and how did your ideas change after when reflecting on the choreography?Explain

The following questions only serve as a guide for writing an analysis of a Dance Concert. Do not restate the questions within your paper, rather find a creative way to express your ideas. The critique must be 2-pages, double-spaced, typed using size 12 font, and standard margins. • What is the title of the piece […]

How does a medium influence art?Discuss

Write a reflection based upon this video discussing the similarities and differences of the depicted artists: Marina Abramovic; Ghada Amer; Caledonia Curry (Swoon); Kiki Smith; and Nancy Spero. Consider the following themes: Looking, moments of observing How does a medium influence art? street art/performance/woodcut/sewing/sculpture/action Ignored/embraced/destroyed home/place- fitting in/belonging Attention/fame Aging haunting Language – visual language […]

Explain, using visual analysis of one of the Jacob Lawrence’s works discussed in the video lecture, how Lawrence used Modernist visual language to express the struggles of African Americans during The Great Migration.

QUESTION 1 In Carrie Mae Weems’ Not Manet’s Type (1997), the artist positions herself within the context of Modernist art history. Why is Weems doing this? How does this work function as a greater commentary on cultural history more broadly? 20 points QUESTION 2 Brazilian painter Tarsila do Amaral was both groundbreaking in early Brazilian Modernist art and extremely problematic in the way she commodified clichés of […]

Develop a connection between these images and the images that are in your text as well as other readings about art. Think about what connections and comparisons with art history content you could make.

The purpose of this assignment is to acquaint you with a variety of literature available in the visual arts. This assignment includes a combination of field and bibliographic research to be summarized in a 4-6 page (a minimum of 2000 words) paper written in APA style. Field Research (I’ve already done this part. I will […]

Develop a connection between these images and the images that are in your text as well as other readings about art.

Paper detalis: The purpose of this assignment is to acquaint you with a variety of literature available in the visual arts. This assignment includes a combination of field and bibliographic research to be summarized in a 4-6 page (a minimum of 2000 words) paper written in APA style. Field Research (I’ve included many images to […]

Compose an analytical essay that relates the formal choices and media of your given work to what you think might have been the artist’s intentions for it.

Drawing on your notes above, compose an analytical essay that relates the formal choices and media of your given work to what you think might have been the artist’s intentions for it. Please note that you may not necessarily have to discuss all the formal elements—instead, focus your assessment on the most striking ones. (Though […]

Explain how the play exemplifies the playwright’s theme, argument or idea. Discuss the use of language, situation, theatrical effects or conventions, etc.

-Identify the date, time and theatre where the performance you attended occurred. Also, the type of play: drama, comedy, tragedy, musical comedy, mystery thriller, farce, etc. -Name the playwright, the director, the designers and the actors and their roles. Note: Don’t confuse the actor’s name with the character’s name. -Give a brief synopsis of the […]

Discuss in some detail one actor’s performance, determining his or her effectiveness in his or her role. Did you believe him or her as the character?

-Identify the date, time and theatre where the performance you attended occurred. Also, the type of play: drama, comedy, tragedy, musical comedy, mystery thriller, farce, etc. -Name the playwright, the director, the designers and the actors and their roles. Note: Don’t confuse the actor’s name with the character’s name. -Give a brief synopsis of the […]

Identify one portfolio review you would like to attend from the list below. Explain why this review appeals to you.

1. Imagine yourself to be a budding photographer. Identify one portfolio review you would like to attend from the list below. Explain why this review appeals to you. Don’t base your decision on location.Look at the list of reviewers for this particular portfolio review. Identify one reviewer you would be especially interested in meeting, and […]