Demonstrate an  understanding of the impact the artworks have in our current culture.

In this assignment, you will create a Powerpoint in which you will explore the purposes the arts serve in society and consider the historical, cultural, social, aesthetic context from which art evolves. Many times this can be framed inside of an overarching THERME. Select two works of art, one Modern and one Postmodern. Develop around a THEME, and […]

Describe as you would to someone over the phone, giving them a visual picture.What are you looking at?

Description Info for your Gallery Reports/Written Thoughts for Art–Let’s try these as a set of directions for a one page typed purposeful journaling-style report. The paper should reflect a progression of knowledge attainted though your life/this class/the book and possibly other art sources (like Dr. Moyer’s writings in The Monitor). Use as much of the […]

Explain how the play exemplifies the playwright’s theme, argument or idea. Discuss the use of language, situation, theatrical effects or conventions, etc.

-Identify the date, time and theatre where the performance you attended occurred. Also, the type of play: drama, comedy, tragedy, musical comedy, mystery thriller, farce, etc. -Name the playwright, the director, the designers and the actors and their roles. Note: Don’t confuse the actor’s name with the character’s name. -Give a brief synopsis of the […]

What do sources from the early Greek world suggest about the relationship between gods and mortals?

Description Write an essay of no more than 1,000 words on the following topic: • What do sources from the early Greek world suggest about the relationship between gods and mortals? Choose at least three different sources from Block 1 to support your discussion (that is, three different sources mentioned in any part of Block […]

Discuss Is there a consideration for patrons with varying degrees of experience with non-Western art? Include an example and explain how it does or does not work to allow for patrons’ different levels of knowledge and experience. What additional resources were used to enhance the visitor experience?

your evaluations, include the following information: -describe your experiences moving through the content presented to you -identify the types of content you encountered (e.g. video, slide show, artifacts display) -describe your reactions to the overall themes presented When writing your evaluation, you may want to consider: ➢ How significant is the layout and presentation style […]

hoose music that suits the purpose of the playlist and draw on concepts and theory covered in the reading to strategically organise the order of songs.

Description n this assignment you need to create a playlist to promote your own personal health – either physical or mental health. To do this, you will carefully choose music that suits the purpose of the playlist and draw on concepts and theory covered in the reading to strategically organise the order of songs.

Describe in detail one particular moment that stood out in the play, and talk about the situation of the character in that moment. What was happening for that character? What did s/he want? What got in the way?

Description   ESSAY QUESTIONS (Required) 1) Discuss the work of ONE performer that stood out to you. Clearly state both the performer name and the name(s) of the character(s) he or she played. Incorporate terminology and concepts from Topic 12/Chapter 4: The Art of the Actor in your response. (250-300 words; 30pts) Describe in detail […]

Describe in detail one particular moment that stood out in the play, and talk about the situation of the character in that moment. What was happening for that character? What did s/he want? What got in the way?

Description Type and double-space your responses to the questions below in MS Word or another word-processing program. Event INFO/EVIDENCE (REQUIRED) – (20pts) Submit through a separate folder in the Assignment Tool Provide some proof of your viewing the video A selfie would be great! Submit through D2L Event 2 Evidence folder. The points for “Evidence” […]

Compare and contrast two works of art done in two different eras/styles. Select one of the following pairs of eras/styles: Medieval and Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo, or Rococo and Neoclassical. Give a detailed overview of the period and style and situate your comparison within the stylistic characteristics of each style.

Compare and contrast two works of art done in two different eras/styles. Select one of the following pairs of eras/styles: Medieval and Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo, or Rococo and Neoclassical. Give a detailed overview of the period and style and situate your comparison within the stylistic characteristics of each style.