Compare and contrast the work of an Italian Renaissance artist with a work done by a northern European Renaissance artist, considering style, content, and form.

Description Trace the evolution and development of art through the periods of the Early Renaissance to the High Renaissance. Explain what primarily distinguishes Renaissance art in general from the prior period. Compare and contrast the work of an Italian Renaissance artist with a work done by a northern European Renaissance artist, considering style, content, and […]

Discuss how graffiti is a “contentious form of political participation.” Evidence your arguments with reference to the relevant readings and a culturally-situated example of political graffiti

Description Discuss how graffiti is a “contentious form of political participation.” Evidence your arguments with reference to the relevant readings and a culturally-situated example of political graffiti There are two provided sources that we need to put on the essay, and the rest is just independent sources. I will mark it blue for the provided […]

Describe the style of the artist (How is the artist unique within the movement?)

Description Instructions As part of the discussion this week, you made a brief exploration of a work of art to understand its subject, meaning, and intent. In this assignment, you will explore an artwork in more depth to consider the context in which it was created. Choose any painting, and address the following: Explain the […]

Discuss one particular street design element that makes an impression on you, for positive or negative reasons, and explain how that element could be further developed.

Description Mapping Streets and Making Improvements In this assignment, you will create maps of conditions on a street in your hometown, analyze how it could be improved and propose a redesign of the street. 1.) Create a Hometown Street Plan map. Choose a street in your hometown neighborhood. Choose a segment equivalent to about one […]

How do factors like the historical context and location shape the meaning of the work?

Description In your paper, you must provide a clear thesis and demonstrate your support for that thesis in your research. I want to see your thesis stated by the end of your first paragraph. Remember, a thesis is: a statement or theory that you intend to prove by the end of your paper. Details 3 […]

Based on what you have learned throughout this semester, write 500 words reflecting on how accurately the popular depiction of prison life corresponds with reality. What are the main differences? What impact do you think depictions such as this have on public opinion about prisons and punishment? And what can be the consequences of such possibly distorted views on actual practice and policy?

Description Word length: 500 words (including in-text references in the Harvard referencing system). The 10% +/- rule applies for this assessment. Marks: The marking for this final Reflection Journal Submission (as with the two earlier Reflections) will be done with the standard marking rubric where students are awarded an N, P, C, D and HD. […]

What does he say about the disproportionate research available on black figures in art history? Why is this important?

Description Can Art Amend History? Titus Kaphar AFTER watching “Can Art Amend History?” answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences each. Number each of your answers in accordance to the question. Answer in your own words and use quotes from the article when necessary. Be specific in your answers, avoid vagueness- which can result in […]

Discuss Is there a value in changing the verbiage from “monument” to “statue” for the Roosevelt monument?

1. Author Holland Cotter poses a complex discussion and solution regarding, whether or not, the monuments of our nation’s past and if they should be abolished. What does Cotter suggest the museum do with the sculpture and why? 2. We have seen many statues throughout our survey, even question sculpture similar to the Roosevelt monument. […]

How does the physical positioning of the black female figure contribute to the role of the black figure in painting and European society at the time?

Description Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem, Bathsheba at her Toilet, 1594. Courtesy of Rijksmuseum AFTER reading “The Overlooked Role of Black Women in Renaissance Paintings, ” answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences each. Number each of your answers in accordance to the question. Answer in your own words and use quotes from the article when […]

Distinguish between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods in terms of time and cultural developments. Compare and contrast specific examples of artifacts, practices, and systems of belief. Discuss why art survives or does not.

Description Distinguish between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods in terms of time and cultural developments. Compare and contrast specific examples of artifacts, practices, and systems of belief. Discuss why art survives or does not. Include the four reasons Getlein cites for how art survives, giving an example of art work from both the Paleolithic and […]