Do this in complete paragraphs using correct formal English that has been revised, proofed, and edited to show good form.

Demonstrate ability to comprehend and summarize in written material. Write a one page analysis of the document provided here following the steps of the writing process, as well as showing the topic of the article, the main points that support that topic, and your own response and reaction to the author’s point of view and […]

What types of participants are described in this article?

Age-related changes in the association of sleep satisfaction with sleep quality and sleep–wake pattern 1) What was the purpose of the research described in this article? 2) List the independent and dependent variables in this study. 3) What types of participants are described in this article? 4) Describe in detail how this study was conducted […]

What were the relevant facts of the article and what needed information was missing?

Week 13 Initial Post Instructions This discussion activity invites you to locate and share one recent news article that has to do with bioethics. Your initial post should include a link to the article as well as answers to the following questions: What is the main ethical issue/question at stake in the article? What were […]

What other views do you believe should be considered for discussion surrounding this topic?

Read the following contemporary religious topics article. Write a 1 PAGE double soaced reflection paper answering the following: Why is the issue presented in the article important to discuss? Do you agree or disagree with the views presented? Why or why not? What other views do you believe should be considered for discussion surrounding this […]

How does the construct of emotional intelligence that is presented in the article by Daniel Goleman add to your perspective?

Week 8 Discussion Questions As you reflect on the various readings and concepts associated with critical thinking and decision making from the course, what themes, patterns, and inter-relationships emerge in your perspective? How does the construct of emotional intelligence that is presented in the article by Daniel Goleman add to your perspective? 300 words work. […]

What was the specific intervention that was used-Is this a new intervention or one that was already studied?

Therapeutic approach for treating clients, families, or groups with addictive disorders. To prepare: Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide about diagnosing and treating addictive disorders. As you watch the 187 Models of Treatment for Addiction video, consider what treatment model you may use the most with clients presenting with addiction. […]

What did you learn?-Critical assessment of the WSJ report

Explorations: Tech Skills 101 to 201 Part I: Read WSJ article: Part II: Post your take-away: What did you learn? Critical assessment of the WSJ report Part III: Recommend follow up tech skill readiness. Include complete reference or link.

WHo are the authors and why are they able to be relied upon to discuss the chosen article’s topic?

GPS Mapping Mission description This mission requires you to map the NJIT database using the search tool provided on the library main page.Review this video by my colleague Cristo Leon, that describes our research into the GPS model and how it can be used to assist content analysis and organization. Links to an external site.  […]

Describe what prescriptive analytics are and how they can improve quality and reduce cost in healthcare.

M7 – Class 1 – information in this article to improve quality and reduce cost and surgery. Review the article A Prescriptive Analytics Method for Cost Reduction in Clinical Decision MakingLinks to an external site. After you review, describe what prescriptive analytics are and how they can improve quality and reduce cost in healthcare. How […]