What other artworks from past art movements does this relate to?

Homework question Share a work of political art from this week’s reading, podcasts or videos that truly spoke to you. Include 2-3 images of the piece labeled with artist name, title of work, medium and year. If site or duration is relevant information include that too. Answer the following in a brief 2-3 paragraph response. […]

How did you feel, particularly while taking this courseWhat senses did this stimulate?

1. Museum Background and Visit Experience (25 points): This portion should be comprised of information about the museum you selected to visit. What was your personal experience of walking through the facility? How did you feel, particularly while taking this course? What senses did this stimulate? What works caught your eye? Also include a light […]

What is the most important piece of advice you can give to me as someone considering this career?

Details to be Submitted x essay that includes: x Name and job title of person interviewed: (William Miranda / Game Environmental Artist specialized in texture ) x Where the interview was conducted (via facetime) x How and why you decided to interview this person. x Overview of what you learned, what surprised you, the most […]

Would viewers be able to understand a work that does not feature any pattern or rhythm?

Prompts (pick any 1, but just one) Can Art Ever Be Completely Random? (1.9) Pattern and rhythm are such an integral part of human perception of the world that their absence can be very disconcerting. Do you think it would be possible for an artist to create a completely random work? How might he or […]

Identify the work of art, artist, and time period of creation. Identify which page number in the textbook the work is located or where in the Module the work is listed.Is this work of art considered a creation for personal needs or needs of the community?

Art is found wherever we find human beings. Art fulfills a basic human need for expression. This need can be sub-divided into personal needs and needs of the community. Personal needs include art created for delight, decoration, for political and religious devotion. and for personal catharsis. Communal needs can include architecture, monuments, murals, and religious […]

Explain the artistic movement associated with the work of art. Describe the style of the artist (How is the artist unique within the movement?)

As part of the discussion this week, you made a brief exploration of a work of art to understand its subject, meaning, and intent. In this assignment, you will explore an artwork in more depth to consider the context in which it was created. Choose any painting, and address the following: Explain the artistic movement […]

Discuss about Social Media. How can it help an artist? How can social media hold you back? What social outlets are appropriate in your field of study?

Following the discussion prompts in the syllabus, add your discussion here about Social Media. How can it help an artist? How can social media hold you back? What social outlets are appropriate in your field of study? etc. This should include a paragraph or two. ( or more). My major is fashion design.

Analyze how this artist uses line, volume, color, spatial illusion, balance, focal point, unity or variety of composition; ask yourself if this work is more realistic or abstract ?

I. Start out with a thesis statement of purpose: “The purpose of my paper is to evaluate what kind of Modernist ideas are visualized in the paintings of Pablo Picasso … “ or something similar. II. Present cultural and historical context of the artist’s work III. Analyze style: how this artist uses line, volume, color, […]