Describe as you would to someone over the phone, giving them a visual picture.What are you looking at?

Description Info for your Gallery Reports/Written Thoughts for Art–Let’s try these as a set of directions for a one page typed purposeful journaling-style report. The paper should reflect a progression of knowledge attainted though your life/this class/the book and possibly other art sources (like Dr. Moyer’s writings in The Monitor). Use as much of the […]

Explain how the artist was innovative, should be answered about the artist’s work, not his or her biography. Consider how the artist was experimental. Was the artist trying new techniques or tackling unique subject matter? Was the artist a leader of a movement? What did he or she contribute to the art movement or the art world?

Question 5 asks you to discuss how the artwork that you chose to illustrate is characteristic of the movement. To accomplish this, you must create a comparison between the art work and the style of the movement. Take one sentence to describe the art work in your own words. Next take 1-2 sentences to explain […]

Describe the style of the artist (How is the artist unique within the movement?)

Description Instructions As part of the discussion this week, you made a brief exploration of a work of art to understand its subject, meaning, and intent. In this assignment, you will explore an artwork in more depth to consider the context in which it was created. Choose any painting, and address the following: Explain the […]

Explain the advantage of experiencing the work and/or artist first hand as opposed to just seeing pictures of the work

Description Rubric: 1. List the title, artist, and location of the exhibition where you saw the work and a picture of the work. (5 points) 2. Please write at least 2 sentences for each of the questions below in response to the exhibition that you attended: 10 points What does the work look like? Give […]

Discuss How did the gallery adapt the exhibition for the pandemic (if applicable)? If you are visiting an online exhibition, does it translate successfully to an online format?

Your review should contain the following: 1. Introduction & background. (1 paragraph) Assume that your reader has not seen the exhibition that you are reviewing and provide some useful context. a. What exhibition are you reviewing? Who is the artist? Who is the curator? b. What gallery are you visiting (in person or online)? c. […]

Discuss What aesthetic value does the work have? How does it reflect the human condition? How does it relate to your life?

Textbook: Chapter 14 Lesson Minimum of 1 primary sources (artist statement) Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook – from critic) Instructions Although controversial art is not a topic exclusive to the 20th and 21st centuries, the distribution of information regarding controversial art has increased with the proliferation of media. Choose an […]

How does these formal elements influence the viewer’s understanding of the specific subject matter?Discuss.

A photo of the work you selected to write about (taken by you at the museum!); Artist, Title, Date, and Medium; A Thesis statement A detailed description of the work based on your observations of the actual work at the museum . Things to consider are line, color, composition, scale, and specific materials used. How […]

How has the work of the comics artist and the value of comics art been imagined and represented?Discuss.

Overall Paper Topic: How has the work of the comics artist and the value of comics art been imagined and represented? Some questions to consider: What do you think the categories of “comics” or “high / low art” mean? What kinds of artistic, cultural, political, or social connotations does the label of “comics” imply? What […]

What elements of improvisation are evident in the musical accompaniment provided in each example?Explain.

Back In Your Own Back Yard (Billie Holiday) Flying Home (Ella Fitzgerald) Similarities and Differences Tempo (slow, medium, fast, dance-like?) Swing feel (Do you sense a weak, medium, or strong rhythmic pulse? Which song has a stronger pulse?) Syncopation (Is there evidence of syncopation or tugging and pulling against the musical pulse?) Lyrics (What story, […]

Give your interpretation of what you think the artist is presenting conceptually in the that artwork. Is there a theme? What was their intention? How does the artists use the building blocks of design to communicate their ideas or direct the viewer?Explain.

Comment on our classmates work. You can make multiple comments as the conversation progresses. Comment 1 Give one word or short phrase impressions of the work first focusing on descriptive words that go past simple observations. This will be for every piece except for your own, So 14 in all. Comment 2 For every student […]