Analyze how the imagery and content, discuss how they created their imagery….what techniques did they use? How was the image successful? How can you/did you apply those techniques observed?

Write a one to two-page paper regarding a Northern Renaissance Artist’s relief print (try not to use Albrecht Dürer), submit a photocopy or print of the woodcut image discussed. Do not dwell on the artist bibliography – analyze how the imagery and content, discuss how they created their imagery….what techniques did they use? How was […]

Which link did you choose to write about? Describe what it covers, and how the specific work or artist is presented.

For each Unit Project, answer the following questions: Which link did you choose to write about? Describe what it covers, and how the specific work or artist is presented. In what way does this work or artist exemplify the tenets of the Northern Renaissance? Give two examples. What seems new or unique about this work […]