What does contemplating art and considering the beauty of the human experience, even a painful one, bring to the healthcare provider’s landscape of understanding?

Essay Look back on your experience reflecting on various poems, paintings, and other media. Think about what you were able to experience vicariously through the words, expression, and visualization of the artists. Consider what new knowledge, understanding, sensitivity, or sensation you were able to encounter that you would not have done otherwise. Then, bring that […]

Identify themes that have eventually caused problems?

Music careers can be very stressful, to help young musicians, there should be a ban on artists signing any music business contracts before they are 18 years of age. Discuss. Consider legal implications of non-legal people i.e., anybody under the age of 18 signing contracts Areas: – What are the issues here? – High profile […]

How the discovery and appreciation of art has changed due to advances in technology

These three questions need to be answered with an introduction and conclusion. How art was understood, appreciated and shared historically, both by artists and the general public How the discovery and appreciation of art has changed due to advances in technology How social and political happenings have influenced artists  

How did they influence later artists-Who were the later artists that they influenced?

Answer the following questions in a well crafted essay (that includes an Introduction, Body and Conclusion). 1) Why do you consider them the most innovative works? What about them is innovative? 2) How did they influence later artists? Who were the later artists that they influenced? Describe and explain each of your choices fully (including […]

Which artist or group do you think will be the next to make the list of all-time best selling albums?

part one answer the following questions Do you think outrageous behavior is necessary for an artist or group to capture the public’s attention? Discuss 5 examples of extreme or outrageous behavior that artists or groups have exhibited to get the public’s attention. This does not have to be a current artist/band. Attach links or pictures […]

Identify and include a photograph (a screenshot will do) of the work of art so that other students will know what you are writing about.

Unit 4 Discussion: Describing Art Background: In your chapter, the authors discussed different types of art based on the degree of representation (4.4). Some artists strive for idealization and others work for a realistic depiction of their subjects. Still other artists use abstraction or non-representational/non-objective styles. Artists use different types of representation in order to […]

How did they influence later artists-Who were the later artists that they influenced?

Final In a 3 page essay, discuss, from your readings, what you consider the three most innovative artworks or buildings from the Prehistoric Period through the Late Gothic / Proto-Renaissance Period (30,000 BCE to the 1300s CE) (chapters 1 through 14 of Gardner’s Art Through the Ages). Your three choices must come from the course […]

Describe why you are taking an Art class when it is not a requirement?Describe the importance of art in our modern world.

Prompts: • Is art valued in our culture and/or community? Why or why not? • Describe why you are taking an Art class when it is not a requirement? • Describe the importance of art in our modern world. • Some people say they hate art. Why do you think this happens? • If you […]