What kind of lighting is in the room?-Is there a skylight or any open windows?

A successful visual analysis answers questions like:Frick Boucher Room What is happening in this artwork? What is the first thing you notice about the artwork? What was its intended function? Is the artwork similar to an artwork you learned about in class? What is in the foreground? What is in the background? Discuss the formal […]

Discuss how the image shows the social and cultural effects of the plague in European society.

Description Part 1 The discussion question for this week more or less writes itself. Given that we are currently living through a global pandemic (though thankfully not one quite so deadly as the Black Death of 1340-1352), : Do you guys see any similarities in societal/cultural responses to the Black Death and the Coronavirus pandemic? […]

Describe the content of the work of art as the artist intended it, and as you perceive it. What is this work about? What is the artist trying to communicate (if you can find that info) to you the viewer? What emotions is it trying to elicit? What do you think and feel when you view it? Is the work of arta comment, a criticism or glorification of the subject?

1.Write a brief history of the museum you chose to “visit”. 2.Analyze how the artwork is installed. What else is in the room? How is it organized? Why is this artwork placed with the others in the room? Describe the placement of the artwork that you chose. Is it hanging? On a pedestal? Aninstallation piece […]

Describe the formal elements – line, space, color & light, texture, pattern, design elements.

Critical Thinking Paper Art Appreciation The critical thinking paper will be an analysis of a work of art of your choice at the Cleveland Museum of Art. The Museum will be open again June 30. Considering Covid-19, you have the option of going in person or looking on their website for an artwork. There is […]

Give your interpretation of what you think the artist is presenting conceptually in the that artwork. Is there a theme? What was their intention? How does the artists use the building blocks of design to communicate their ideas or direct the viewer?Explain.

Comment on our classmates work. You can make multiple comments as the conversation progresses. Comment 1 Give one word or short phrase impressions of the work first focusing on descriptive words that go past simple observations. This will be for every piece except for your own, So 14 in all. Comment 2 For every student […]

Choose one artwork made in the years 1850-1965 that is part of the permanent collection of the MFAH or Menil Collection and write a 3-4 page formal analysis of it. You may choose to work on an outdoor sculpture on the campus of either museum if you wish; both of them have public sculptures that are accessible right now.

Formal Analysis Paper – Assignment Instructions For this assignment, you will choose one artwork made in the years 1850-1965 that is part of the permanent collection of the MFAH or Menil Collection and write a 3-4 page formal analysis of it. You may choose to work on an outdoor sculpture on the campus of either […]

Discuss,How did your research enhance your appreciation of the artwork? How does understanding the context of a work help in interpreting it?

Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 4 Lesson Minimum of 3 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook) Instructions In this assignment, you will explore an artwork in more depth to consider the context in which it was created. Choose any painting, and address the following: Explain the artistic movement associated with […]