Describe the primary changes in the security industry post the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In addition, compare and contrast security in the United States; pre-9/11 and post 9/11.

Description 1. Describe the primary changes in the security industry post the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In addition, compare and contrast security in the United States; pre-9/11 and post 9/11. 2. Describe in detail the purpose and reasoning for prioritization of assets and risks. Commence your response by defining the purpose of risk management, then develop […]

Explain the different categories of intangible assets and document the method used for each of the three companies.

Explain the difference between the allowance method and the direct write off method for accounts receivable. Document the method used for each of the three companies. Explain the difference between the straight line, double declining balance, and the unit-of-production depreciation methods. Document the method used for each of the three companies. Explain the difference between […]

What is learned from a well-formulated supply and demand curve analysis and how does this information help determine optimum production rates for maximum profitability?Discuss

What is learned from a well-formulated supply and demand curve analysis and how does this information help determine optimum production rates for maximum profitability? What is the correlation between employee benefits and return on investment assets, return on equity, and return on sales? How can the inability to compete profitably on price be overcome?

Identify the risks associated with the assets, and recommend mitigating procedures.

Description You are given a fictional scenario above describing security issues affecting organizational assets. Identify the risks associated with the assets, and recommend mitigating procedures. You will prepare a quantitative /qualitative risk assessment to address risk factors on organizational assets. Your final paper in a Word document (double-spaced with 12 point font) with APA citations […]

What liabilities or debts do you have that will effect this scenario? What are your sources for income? (wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, interest paid for sales of assets)

List your assets in the given scenario. What things could you potentially use as capital or collateral if necessary? What liabilities or debts do you have that will effect this scenario? What are your sources for income? (wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, interest paid for sales of assets) When calculating your net worth, do you have […]

Give an example of five assets (two non-current and three current) that such a business might own, and which would be recorded in its balance sheet at its accounting year end.Explain

a.To answer the (a) sub-questions that follow you must think about the financial position and financial performance of a small local sole trader that has one owner/manager and no more than 3 full-time employees. If you can, answer the questions in the context of a real business you are aware of. If not, use the […]

Discuss Is it important to address the value of non-operating assets in arriving at an estimate of the value of equity per share? Why? Offer an example from your company?

Description 1. Questions to Ask CEO About Valuation – If you were directed to make a visit to a company’s CEO for the purpose of obtaining information in addition to the 10K to complete a valuation of that company’s common stock, what questions would you ask and why? 2. Non-Operating Assets – Is it important […]

Discuss the issues relating to GAAP, earnings, assets and liabilities reporting problems, etc.

Description Write a research paper on Enron Corporation non consolidating of Special Purpose Entity (VIE), (see page 216 Discussion Question and Chapter 6). Discuss the issues relating to GAAP, earnings, assets and liabilities reporting problems, etc. Reference your sources in a bibliography with footnotes. Approximately three pages of data,

Describe the single threat that the system you describe protects against. Threats might be burglaries, access by unauthorized persons, fires, workplace violence, floods, terrorist attacks, and so forth.

Assignment 1: Choose and describe a protective system.Describe a very familiar protective system. Examples include where you live, where some else you know well lives, your workplace, or your place of worship.You can also use a protective system that you have studied in another course. Your objective is to describe the system as a hierarchy […]

Explain,How is THE COMPANY financing its assets? Discuss how much risk is associated with the bonds issued by the company? How can this risk be measured?

The financial leverage ratios (10% of the project grade) a) Find the financial leverage ratios for THE COMPANY assigned for you of the project for the last 3-5 years in the Internet. Present these ratios as the table(s) in your project.You can find these ratios in the Internet or calculate them. If you use published […]