Discuss What aspect of immigrant assimilation do you think is most important?

1. What aspect of immigrant assimilation do you think is most important? In other words, if you had to develop a policy aimed at improving assimilation, would you focus on labor market assimilation, assimilation in education, getting migrants out of ethnic enclaves, improving destination country language fluency, assimilation in health, or naturalization? Briefly explain your […]

Explain how the choice to assimilate or not to assimilate can influence immigrants to redefine their identity.

Define assimilation in your own words. Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of assimilation from an immigrant’s perspective. Provide an example for each. Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of assimilation from a non-immigrant’s perspective. Provide an example for each. This question is asking you to detail how non-immigrants (i.e., citizens of a country or […]