Pick one of the compelling topics of Greek History and analyze it. What perspective can it give people today?Explain.

Homer and the Iliad and Odyssey, the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars, The Age of Pericles and the decline of Athens, Greek Philosophy and Drama, the list goes on. Pick one of the compelling topics of Greek History and analyze it. What perspective can it give people today?

Who was the author’s intended audience? What was his purpose in writing the text? Think about audience and genre.

1.) Read the primary source: excerpts from The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. (Theres video thats said could be helpful called “The Persians and the Greeks,” which talks about this excerpt. Ill give you the link, its not needed but there just in case.) 2.) Evaluate the primary source by answering the following […]

Discuss:In a concluding paragraph, you will try to reconcile the two differing portraits of Athens found in the excerpts. What is the author trying to tell you about his home city? What is he trying to say about democracy?

1.) Read the primary source: excerpts from The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. (Theres video thats said could be helpful called “The Persians and the Greeks,” which talks about this excerpt. Ill give you the link, its not needed but there just in case.) 2.) Evaluate the primary source by answering the following […]