How would you use this information to help yourself, an athlete, or someone else improve their performance by improving their self-talk?

Project number 4 For this project, you will be investigating the influence of self-talk on confidence and performance. You will read an online article about self-talk, paying special attention to the 6 Tips for Positive Self-Talk at the end. Then you will complete the ABCs of Human Performance worksheet over two weeks. At the end […]

What is better for conditioning: long distance cardio or shorter, intense interval sessions?

What does Boyle say about the following (pp 129- 178 attached). 15 points/ 3 points per question. Paste the questions with your response. Is there any good reason to implement aerobic training into an anaerobic/ power athlete? Define the meaning of this statement: “It is easier to get an explosive athlete in shape, than it […]

Discuss if the article is positive or negative about athletes, focused on male or female athletes, the sport of the athlete (revenue/non-revenue, team/individual), and any other interesting information.

The presentation is seven minutes, PowerPoint, and may include a short video (about 1 or 2 minutes) and images. Questions, answers, and interactions with the audience are at the end of the formal presentation. Be sure to share a link to the article you are presenting on at the end of your presentation. Presentations are, […]

What foods would you suggest the athlete remove from their diet to minimize their intake of excessive nutrients?

Fueling the athlete Questions to answer: For the case you were assigned, answer the following questions. Your response must be at least 500 words. 1. Which nutrients do not meet the DRI in the athlete’s diet? 2.Which nutrients were excessive? 3. What foods would you suggest the athlete add to their diet to increase their […]

How does the topic promote the idea of positive coaching (Athlete First, Winning Second) and learning life lessons on the field of competition-life?

Pre-game Pep talks The student will write a 5-6 page paper using 12 pt don’t, Times New Roman and using double spacing. The student will discuss why the topic is important and why he or she chose the particular topic? How does the student plan to use this topic in his or her coaching? How […]