What ways could instructors adjust their teaching style to assist students like Nate?

(Case 1) Tina’s daily planner is filled in completely from 6:00 am to 1:30-2:00 am every day. This schedule is not an exaggeration.Tina commutes 75 minutes each way to attend classes.She is a single mother; her son and daughter are both in elementary school and are active in athletics, scouts, and church activities.Tina works full-time […]

How well does the paper demonstrate an understanding of the lectures and readings?

Topics about Esports in College Athletics Students will be required to write two critical assessments of current topics in athletic administration (4-5 pages in length). (consider about student-athlete academic and social accountability; challenges with NCAA rules policies; the rise of commercialization and marketing; the impact of NIL; and the importance of fundraising in college athletics.) […]

What’s the relation between your imagined experience of college and your daily life in the last couple of weeks?

What did you envision when you were applying to colleges? What kind of university were you hoping to go to? What felt important to you? Academic ranking? Athletics? The Greek System? A particular major? The look of the campus? The ethos of the college? How did you imagine yourself as a college student? Did you […]

Why does Aristotle believe while an action can be praised as right or good, may not necessarily be Virtuous?

This is coursework ARISTOTLE (1) According to Aristotle, while people may disagree about to how to achieve it,everyone ultimately desires the same “End” or goal, which for Aristotle is“Happiness.” Why does he refer to it as an “Activity” that only “Man” canexperience or appreciate? Why does he say neither animals nor children are “Happy” in […]

What do you have to say on the topic-Create a topic that is a debatable point (Argument)-make your case using examples from the text.

Paper 5 For this assignment analyze one of the essays from chapter 13 of our text. Discuss an essay that you feel is worthy of further discussion. What do you have to say on the topic? Create a topic that is a debatable point (Argument) and make your case using examples from the text. Perhaps […]