Define the characteristics of critical thinking, the critical thinking process, and clinical decision making.

Review Readings and Power Points Week 1 Distinguish between the concepts of adherence to a therapeutic regimen and health literacy Explain the variables that affect learning and apply them to the teaching learning process Use the nursing process as a framework for care of the patient with self-care deficits or with impaired physical mobility. Review […]

What is the court of last resort (highest appeals court) in your state and in the federal courts?

Assume that you are working at a local criminal defense law firm. The managing partner has asked you to research the following issues. The attorney anticipates that these issues could arise in a criminal case that your firm has accepted. State and local governments must obey the Bill of Rights. Write a 2–3-page paper that […]

Explain whether the wording of “persons, house, papers and effects” in the Fourth Amendment applies to Dan’s garbage.

The writing assignment asks you to analyze a scenario and decide whether law enforcement officers follow Fourth Amendment procedural rules in gathering evidence. First, read the scenario below. Your neighbor Dan has recently been arrested and charged with manufacture and possession of methamphetamine in violation of your state’s law. The charges are based on evidence […]

Research the requirements for a Motion to Dismiss and a Motion for Summary Judgment in your jurisdiction.

FOUNDATIONS ASSIGNMENT 9 COMPLEX MOTION DRAFTING TO: Paralegal FROM: Supervising Attorney RE: Complex Motion Drafting Research the requirements for a Motion to Dismiss and a Motion for Summary Judgment in your jurisdiction. For this assignment, you have the option of preparing a Motion for Summary Judgment on behalf of your assigned client, or preparing a […]

Do you think that there should be more resources dedicated to helping self-represented people participate in the judicial process (short of appointing them an attorney)?

Topic: Introduction to courts- access to justice Our judicial system is known as an ‘adversarial’ one in most instances. There are two sides representing the interests of the state or plaintiff and the interests of the defendant. As you may imagine, the law is complex as is the process to access justice. This is why […]

Give two arguments to support his position that he is not liable for a breach of contract.

Required: 1) As Noel’s attorney, give two arguments to support his position that he is not liable for a breach of contract. 2) As Stop-N-Shop’s attorney, give two arguments to support the supermarket’s position that it is the injured party and that Noel is liable to pay money damages for a breach of contract.  

What are some of the other alternatives to a life sentence in prison-Are they appropriate given the violent nature of this crime?

Criminal justice capstone Scenario Part 5 Suspect Hopkins is now being sentenced to life in prison for his involvement in the robbery. The State’s Attorney has taken into consideration Keith Hopkins’ cooperation in the investigation, as well as his remorse for the victims. In the adversarial system, both sides (prosecution and defense) represent their party’s […]

Discuss how prosecutorial-defense attorney use of discretion may influence your decision.

Imagine you are a lawyer representing an undocumented immigrant charged with drug smuggling. You believe that he has been set up by the police. The prosecutor offered your client a plea deal with a punishment of 2 years in prison instead of the normal 10 years for the amount he was accused of smuggling if […]

What content can and/or cannot be released to the patient’s attorney and what legislation may govern this process and content release?

The U.S. Legal System You are the health information manager at General Hospital. Your in-house counsel has been contacted by an attorney for a former patient of the hospital whose inpatient hospitalization resulted in some harm to the patient. That harm was documented in an incident report prepared by hospital staff. Internal legal review of […]