How does Cicero’s work differ from the Aeneid, another ancient text that Augustine talks about?

Augustine (c. 354–430 C.E.) was a lot like Apuleius. He also grew up in North Africa and was of mixed descent his mother was an indigenous North African (Berber). Like Apuleius, he moved to a regional center and received an education meant to train him as an orator. But that’s where things changed. Augustine, following […]

Discuss what the Christian response to Platonism, as found, for example and most notably, in the thought of Augustine.

The Passion of the Western Mind by Richard Tarnas Richard Tarnas asserts that Greek philosophy was, “in the view of many early Christian theologians, a divinely prearranged matrix for the rational explication of the Christian faith” (The Passion of the Western Mind, pp. 100-101). Notwithstanding, “faith was the primary means, and reason a distant second, […]

Discuss manner and the particulars of the influence of Christianity on the words and vocabularies of English.

Christianity and the Vocabularies of English When Augustine of Canterbury arrived in Britain in 597, he brought with him the Latin language, literacy, and the Christian religion. These three cultural forces have each shaped English in fundamental and pervasive ways. Discuss manner and the particulars of the influence of Christianity on the words and vocabularies […]

What are the consequences of such “blindness” to reality-How can this impediment be remedied, if at all?

One of the most pervasive themes in Western Literature is that of blindness vs sight as a spiritual or moral allegory. Characters or figures in literature are often unable to see clearly because of some moral failure (what we Christians call sin) that impedes not physical sight, but their capacity for “seeing” reality as it […]

Do you believe God exists?-Clearly describe what you mean when you use the term God-explain why you do or do not believe that such an entity actually exists.

Do you believe God exists? Clearly describe what you mean when you use the term God and explain why you do or do not believe that such an entity actually exists. In the course of your discussion, explain how your own arguments are similar or how they differ from those of Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, and […]