What was the importance of maintaining the fiction that Augustus had preserved the Roman Republic intact?

Topic: Roman constitution In an inscription known as the Res Gestae, Augustus described his position within the Roman constitution thus: “ What did Augustus mean by this? When answering this question, you should consider the means by which the first emperor achieved his dominance over the Roman state. How did Augustus come to control the […]

Do you think writers like Vergil or Ovid were ever entirely free to write what they wished-Why or why not?

This is a short essay question for an exam, so there is no need for citations. Think about both the sorts of evidence used and what that evidence tells us about the ancient Romans. In your answer, provide an example or two but do not worry about covering everything. And this is the promp: Some […]

How did the Punic Wars make Rome into an empire-In what ways did Diocletian attempt to revitalize Rome?

Essay Question (Choose one of the following topics and compose an essay of at least 2 pages. Essays should be written in Times New Roman or Arial, 12 point font, and double- spaced. You are to submit your completed essay to Canvas in the provided drop box. Submission must be in either a Word document […]