What is Amy and Penny’s opportunity cost of producing one meal (in terms of baskets given up)?

PART 1. Gains from trade [36 points] Suppose Amy and Penny are housemates and there are two chores that need to be completed: cooking meals and laundry. Assume the hours needed to cook a meal or finish a basket of laundry are different for Amy and Penny and are described in the table below. 1 […]

Based on the video, describe what have you learned about Asahi DC in Australia in terms of

Video Review – Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems (ASRS) Watch the video: Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems (ASRS) Links to an external site. Copy the following questions on a MS-Word document, answer them, save the file in PDF format and upload it: Based on the video, describe what have you learned about Asahi DC in […]

Determine the metrics you would use to measure success of the warehouse and the total supply chain.

Supply Chain Question Strategic Warehouse Management, Inc. (SWM) is a U.S. based warehousing organization in the construction and management of warehouse operations. The CEO’s market development team has determined that there is an opportunity to open a warehouse in Australia that could serve multiple businesses. The CEO plans to open a “non-resident company” (Land and […]

Does the USA need more immigrants or less immigrants?

Write a minimum of 2 paragraphs answering the following question: Does the USA need more immigrants or less immigrants? Be sure that in your answers you demonstrate that you have read the following articles: Does the USA need more immigrants? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Comparing USA, Canada and Australia immigration […]

Describes what methodology you actually used (as opposed to what was proposed initially) and aligns with the rest of your document.

Topic: Impact of COVID19 on supply of construction material in Australia This assessment task requires you to complete the last 2 chapters of your honours research project, along with making any amendments required to the first 3 chapters. For example, Chapter 3 (Methodology) will require further work from your submission in BUIL1306 Research Practice 1 […]

Provide an analysis and comparison of the content and uses of the research-based and community-based information sources.

Topic: child abuse The Information Sources Survey Review all 4 examples of The Information Sources Survey (185) Brave whistleblowers expose one of Australia’s worst child abuse scandals | 60 Minutes Australia – YouTube https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/child-abuse/symptoms-causes/syc-20370864 Reaching the Vulnerable Child: Therapy with Traumatized Children Mary Walsh, Terchory Philpot, and Mary Walsh Using the materials and resources in […]

Would the position be any different under Hong Law? in your answer consider the application of the Unconscionable Contracts Ordinance (Cap 458) Hong Kong.

BAA215 Business and Corporate Law Major Assignment CHOOSE either Problem A OR Problem B Problem A Elizabeth has recently moved to Hong Kong from Australia. Her spoken Chinese is exceptional, but she does not read or write Chinese terribly well, and she has little experience in the way business is conducted in Hong Kong. Elizabeth […]

. Would the position be any different under Hong Law-in your answer consider the application of the Unconscionable Contracts Ordinance (Cap 458) Hong Kong.

BAA215 Business and Corporate Law Major Assignment CHOOSE either Problem A OR Problem B Problem A Elizabeth has recently moved to Hong Kong from Australia. Her spoken Chinese is exceptional, but she does not read or write Chinese terribly well, and she has little experience in the way business is conducted in Hong Kong. Elizabeth […]

What are some cultural, political, and economic challenges of working in this environment?

Unit 3 – Discussion Board IBP A regional bank has decided to open an office overseas for serving businesses that are expanding internationally. Choose and research a location with a large financial center that you believe would be helpful to your customer base. Some examples include Tokyo, Japan; London, United Kingdom; and Sydney, Australia.discuss the […]