What have you seen that is inefficient and could be solved by a quality improvement project?

Topic: Quality Improvement Project in Australian Healthcare setting Question: In this assessment task, you are asked to identify an area of nursing practice that would benefit from a quality improvement process to improve quality and patient safety outcomes. Your idea could come from your healthcare experiences as a student on placement, as a healthcare worker […]

Explain social media has more disadvantages than advantages.

The smartphone has more disadvantages than advantages. Australian students, in 2020, are not as resilient as past generations. Explain social media has more disadvantages than advantages. Climate change is the most serious issue facing Australia. Australian students in 2020 have more opportunities to change the world than any previous generation. The benefits of sport make […]

Create a mini-plan for how you may be able to address the health issue from a health promotion perspective.

Goals, objectives, strategies & indicators For your discussion topic, we want you to apply your learnings of goals, objectives, strategies and indicators by putting together a mini health promotion plan. To do this, you need to: 1. Identify a health issue of interest Australian based (you may choose one you have already covered in the […]

What are the advantages-disadvantages of a federal system of government-How has the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the advantages-challenges of federalism?

Law Part A: Core Concepts Questions 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a federal system of government? How has the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the advantages and challenges offederalism? 2. What is the difference between representative and responsible government? To what extent does the current federal Parliament represent the diversity of Australia’speople? Part B: […]

How fair are the existing defences to copyright infringement in Australian law? In balancing the competing public interests of protecting private property rights on the one hand, versus freedom of expression (or at least the widespread dissemination of knowledge and ideas) on the other, how balanced are the present legislative settings in furthering these typically divergent policy objectives?

Description Question 3: 3. How fair are the existing defences to copyright infringement in Australian law? In balancing the competing public interests of protecting private property rights on the one hand, versus freedom of expression (or at least the widespread dissemination of knowledge and ideas) on the other, how balanced are the present legislative settings […]

Identify 2 specific Australian companies that your chosen costing system is suitable for, and explain why.

Assignment Task: You are required to conduct a literature search and critically review a costing system in this assignment. Part A: Choose ONE of the costing systems studied in this unit from the list below, and answer the questions that follow: • Job Costing • Process Costing • Operation Costing (Hybrid Costing) • Activity-based Costing […]

Evaluate the role and function of an Australian nurse working in a humanitarian situation outside of Australia.

• Evaluate the role and function of an Australian nurse working in a humanitarian situation outside of Australia. CHOSEN TOPIC IS DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS • Discuss possible benefits and challenges nurses may face working in the chosen setting. A minimum of 15 references are expected for this task, not including websites. JOURNALS BOOKS you can […]