What formative assessment will best promote student metacognition-improved learning?

For this project, you will develop your school’s ideal comprehensive assessment strategy and then write a policy statement for your teachers. Begin by exploring the topic of assessment. Focus your study on formative and summative assessment, authentic assessment, and competency-based assessment. In your policy statement, address the key roles of formative assessment and its associated […]

Give awareness of the various steps and how a campaign requires constant reviewing?

Report of PR Campaign overall should tick the questions below Is the campaign, original and authentic?Is there an awareness of the various steps and how a campaign requires constantreviewing?Has the area been researched, and all possibilities fully explored?Is what is proposed relevant, concise and original?The report should be written in academic style without journalistic flavour.Do […]

Explain and justify your choice by using Fromm’s arguments and episodes from the movie.

Reading Fromm, we learned to distinguish authentic, true disobedience from false disobedience and to distinguish heteronomous obedience from autonomous obedience. Analyze the movie from Fromm’s perspective. Choose at least two characters who represent true disobedience and false disobedience and two characters who represent different types of obedience in the movie. Explain and justify your choice […]

What are some things that an ethical leader can use to create a work environment that supports doing the right thing and discourages unethical conduct. Use the chapter and the Go Daddy article. 

What’s the difference between core values and aspirational values? What are some things that an ethical leader can use to create a work environment that supports doing the right thing and discourages unethical conduct. Use the chapter and the Go Daddy article. Briefly describe what is meant by alignment of ethical culture. How can a […]

Briefly define and discuss the major characteristics of transformational, authentic, and servant leadership.

Characteristics of Transformational, Authentic, and Servant Leadership Briefly define and discuss the major characteristics of transformational, authentic, and servant leadership.Can you see some overlapping characteristics amidst the three approaches to leadership studied this week? Did you observe any overlapping characteristics? Explain. What are some characteristics that make transformational, authentic, and servant leadership different and possibly […]