Describe how presentation delivery impacts your credibility.

Describe how planning your presentations leads to credibility. Analyze presentation audiences in terms of message benefits, learning styles, and communicator styles. Organize and gather content for a preview, view, and review. Develop effective slide presentations. Use the storyline approach to presentations. Evaluate your presentations for fairness and effectiveness Describe how presentation delivery impacts your credibility. […]

Explain the implications of your training and preparedness in counseling trauma-response helping professionals who work with survivors of sexual abuse and natural disasters.

For this Assignment, you explore the similarities and differences in symptoms between and among trauma-response helping professionals, survivors of sexual abuse, and natural disasters. The assignment: (2–3 pages) Identify two similarities and two differences between the symptoms of survivors of sexual abuse and natural disasters, and trauma-response helping professionals experiencing vicarious trauma working with these […]

How are they the same-How are they different-Finally, what do these books teach us about the search for authenticity today? Discuss.

Compare/contrast 2 books referring to a third Relying on Charles Taylor’s exposition of authenticity in The Malaise of Modernity, compare and contrast the search for an authentic life as articulated in Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates, and An Interrupted Life, by Etty Hillesum. How are they the same? How are they different? […]

Provide a definition for authenticity, using the academic-industry literature to highlight key understandings of this objective.

Exploring the Role of Authenticity in Strategic Event Design The essay will follow this structure: Describe the structure, content and purpose of your essay. The purpose of your essay is to discuss and assess how the creation of authenticity is being used as a principle design aim in the creation of corporate events. Provide a […]