Research and discuss the role of management in business and how management and ownership differ.

Managing information Remember to identify your sources by name and explain why each one has expertise regarding the topic. Discuss your sources as part of your discussion of the topics. Don’t simply answer the questions. Use well-respected business sources for your research. If your source does not identify the author you will not be able […]

How does multiculturalism and diversity perspectives of the various stakeholders in this case impact your recommendations?

Read the factual scenario as to the Amtrak Case Study. Prepare a three-page analysis that defines the concept of corporate social responsibility. Consider the corporate social responsibility of Amtrak as to the tragedy which occurred both before and after the incident involved. Based on your analysis of the scenario, as well as what you have […]

what makes them authoritative, credible sources in your specific discipline?

Revising Project 1: Report on Authoritative, Trade, and Popular Sources What to do. For this project, you will select four current authoritative, popular, and trade sources (two scholarly articles, one trade article, one popular source) from the discipline affiliated with your major or future career and write a report about those sources. Your report should […]

What changes have occurred that regulate human research studies, and do those changes go far enough in preventing the kind of racial injustice that Henrietta Lacks and her family suffered from?

Construct a 500-word-minimum essay in which you address the following questions based on the readings provided, and at least one authoritative outside source (other than the articles given you), properly cited 1. How did these readings challenge your assumptions, understanding, or knowledge of medical research? 2. How does knowing this information influence your trust in […]

What are some important best practices for protecting privacy for information collected, stored, used, and transferred by the US federal government?

Briefing Statement Prepare a 5 to 7 paragraph briefing statement which answers the following four questions: 1. What is privacy? Is it a right? An expectation? Discuss differing definitions, e.g. “the average person” definition vs. a legal definition, and how these differences impact risk assessments for privacy protections (or the lack thereof). 2. What are […]