What are the differences-commonalities in the themes and arguments across the literature (what do other scholars say about the theme or issue)?

Final Essay Humanities Write a 5-7 page paper analyzing one or more of the readings/topics/units from this semester.Use at least five sources. In addition to examining the authors’ arguments (there might be many, so PICK ONE and stick with it), students may structure their essay in the following ways (choose two): What are the differences […]

What questions do you have in order to clarify your understanding of one or more examples?

Disorder-Specific Systemic Model Applications and Interventions: Part 2 The authors of our readings this week are presenting applications of systemic models to specific problems. What common themes did you identify across all treatment examples? What questions do you have in order to clarify your understanding of one or more examples?

Determine its topic, controlling idea, or main argument-Identify the ways the authors supports the conclusion.

Essay Critique Call Of The Assignment Write a critique (1000-1500 words) of an article that has not been assigned for class reading, or otherwise discussed or distributed in this class, defining the essay’s purpose, showing how the author attempted to accomplish it, and evaluating if it was accomplished. You will need to use two sources […]

What was the author’s conclusion? Was the author effective?

Annotation Assignment Just as you have done for the past two weeks, you are going to find another article to read and write about. Make sure the article is related to your topic for the final paper. Remember that you are using these sources you read and write about in the final paper to support […]

Discuss how the data collected from the authors of selected literature contributes to your PICOT question.

Description The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate empirical research as it relates to your PICOT question. Directions: Using feedback from the instructor on your PICOT question and annotated bibliographies, revise your PICOT question and annotations. Using your annotations, write a paper (1,250-1500 word) in which you evaluate the literature, including the study conclusions, […]

Summarize various authors’ insights on the research problem, compare insights and models provided by various scientists, and disclose personal view.

The author should perform a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical material. Summarize various authors’ insights on the research problem, compare insights and models provided by various scientists, and disclose personal view.

Discuss the issue of community building in the age of online social networks. What do the authors say about the challenges of generating social capital in our current day, and do you think that it is possible for people to maintain connections and create real communities in the age of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter?

With the readings by Robert Putnam and Stephanie Dutchen in mind, write an essay in which you discuss the issue of community building in the age of online social networks. What do the authors say about the challenges of generating social capital in our current day, and do you think that it is possible for […]

Chose two of the literary authors we have read this term and write an essay that argues why these authors agree or disagree with Lazarus’s vision of American acceptance and promise for those of different racial, religious, national, and/or ethnic backgrounds. How do these authors present their own views about American acceptance and promise? If American acceptance and promise exist, under what terms? If they don’t exist, why has the vision failed?

FINAL EXAM ESSAY TOPIC #1: “The New Colossus,” Emma Lazarus’s poem dedicated to the Statue of Liberty, ends with this famous statement about the possibility of acceptance and promise in America: “Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, / The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. / Send […]

Explain different motivation theories (Maslow, Herzberg, etc.), differences between internal and external motivators, examples, and importance of work motivation.

Description The paper needs to explain definition of motivation through several prominent authors; to explain different motivation theories (Maslow, Herzberg, etc.), differences between internal and external motivators, examples, and importance of work motivation. To state what kind of recent research has been done, if any, regarding employees’ personal factors (such age, gender, educational level) in […]

How are the Gospels of Matthew and Luke similar and different? How are they different from John’s Gospel? Why are there differences between the Gospels? What do you believe the authors were trying to communicate through their record of Jesus’ life and ministry?Explain

Writing prompt: How are the Gospels of Matthew and Luke similar and different? How are they different from John’s Gospel? Why are there differences between the Gospels? What do you believe the authors were trying to communicate through their record of Jesus’ life and ministry?