Describe each agency in detail. What services and supports do they offer?

For this journal, please locate two local agencies in your community/state and research the intervention strategies that they provide to children with autism spectrum disorder. In at least 250 words, please respond to the following questions: Describe each agency in detail. What services and supports do they offer? What intervention strategies do they provide? Identify […]

Discuss specific early pre-verbal communication skills and examine how they can have an impact on language development in typically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorder.

Discuss specific early pre-verbal communication skills and examine how they can have an impact on language development in typically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorder. Based on the descriptions in the case studies provided: Compare and contrast the pre-verbal communication skills development of Sally and Erin. Analyze the specific social communication challenges seen […]

Summarize three main points that you learned this week and describe how you might apply this learning to your personal and professional life.

Summarize three main points that you learned this week and describe how you might apply this learning to your personal and professional life. Thinking about what you learned about visual and environmental supports in learning for children with autism spectrum disorder, reflect on challenges you might face in implementing supports in the learning environment. How […]

Describe the historical impact of the event to the field.How did the term/diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder originate?

Describe the historical impact of the event to the field. Consider the following: How did the term/diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder originate? Why was this event impactful during this time? What were the perceptions of ASD during this time? How has this event changed perceptions today? Connect the event to a theory of ASD. Consider […]

Discuss one thing that is already being done to spread awareness of resources in the Philadelphia area for families with autistic children and how can it be improved and make up a new way to spread awareness and how would you develop it and do it.

Description This is an outreach project focusing on Autism and how can we spread awareness of resources in the Philadelphia area. Mention and explain two ways we can tackle this issue. Mention one thing that is already being done to spread awareness of resources in the Philadelphia area for families with autistic children and how […]

Compare and contrast the daily life challenges and treatment issues likely to impact individuals with Level 1 Autism (formally called Asperger’s Syndrome) during childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and in their geriatric years.

Compare and contrast the daily life challenges and treatment issues likely to impact individuals with Level 1 Autism (formally called Asperger’s Syndrome) during childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and in their geriatric years.

As an educator, how do you cope with a world that has little knowledge or compassion for kids who have autism? How could we increase awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Description In a paragraph, answer the following questions: As an educator, how do you cope with a world that has little knowledge or compassion for kids who have autism? How could we increase awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder? Name 2 facts you learned in this video. Why are they significant to you?