Explain Have you found or researched other disability rights organizations than those listed?  If so, how do they compare when you think about the important role of organizing people with disabilities in our fight for equality and disability rights in the US?

1.  Many disability organizations are classified by type of disability.  Do you see differences between these organizations based on whether they are meant to represent people with apparent disabilities vs. non-apparent?  How about when you compare organizations representing people with intellectual and mental disabilities vs. physical disabilities? Use this link as your reference to answer […]

Explain,How should a society balance the rights of the individual with the rights of society (i.e., the duty to protect others from unvaccinated children).

Write one page for the discussion The recent controversy over childhood vaccinations being linked to autism has brought attention to the issue of parents being required to vaccinate their children. While there is no scientific evidence to support these claims and the original studies were found to be fraudulent, some parents are seeking permission to […]

Discuss how are disorders such as autism and bipolar-ism depicted in tv shows like “The Good Doctor”, “Homeland” and how has it helped/hurt the perception of the disorders.

how are disorders such as autism and bipolar-ism depicted in tv shows like “The Good Doctor”, “Homeland” and how has it helped/hurt the perception of the disorders. While media is fiction and does not always get it right, , media helped or hurt perceptions about mental illness because brought mental illness into light , educated […]