How did St. Ignatius develop his process of discernment? (Or in other words, how did he figure out what he truly wanted?)

Paper on St. Ignatius The topic for this paper is How does the life of St. Ignatius inform Jesuit spirituality and practice as taught at Loyola? In writing this paper consider two questions: 1.How did St. Ignatius develop his process of discernment? (Or in other words, how did he figure out what he truly wanted?) […]

How does the book leverage ideas of the family to represent the damage of enslavement (consider discussing the figure of the mother, for example)?

Assignment Topic: Write a well-argued essay about Douglass’ Narrative. Your essay should include an original topic, effective supporting claims, and strong evidence evidence that is analyzed and discussed in innovative ways. You are not required to do research for this assignment. However, if you use sources,  use scholarly sources. Do not rely on general research […]

Identify situations when your natural leadership style is effective and when it is less effective or even a barrier.

Leadership Autobiography Leadership Autobiography Guidelines The purpose of the leadership autobiography is to develop a critical self-understanding of your leadership experience and your leadership style. It should be oriented to your past experience and achievements, as well as to your future goals and aspirations. Identify situations when your natural leadership style is effective and when […]

What extent do you accept or accept uncritically the values, beliefs, assumptions, and prescriptions you have received as a result of your socialization into particular communities?

In this assignment,address your understanding of how your values and beliefs reflect social location, power and privilege, and experiences of social inclusion/exclusion. Without writing a detailed autobiography, think about how do you know who you are? How do the key messages about class, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation get delivered? As part of your paper: […]

What possibilities does the book suggest-Explain-What matters does the book leave out? Explain.

Womens right movement 1920s-60s Write a review of approximately 800 to 1,000 words Structure the review in four parts: Introduce the subject, scope, and type of book Identify the book by author, title, and publishing information. Specify the type of book (for example, fiction, nonfiction, biography, autobiography). Describe the book’s theme. Include background to enable […]

Identify two or three themes or arguments within the book that you would like to focus on.

CHICAGO STYLE •Go to a public or university library, and select a scholarly book on a topic that is related to Modern American History that interests you. o By now, you have completed two short research-based written assignments and amassed a bibliography of four to six sources. o You may find it useful to go […]

Describe an experience of making a mistake-feeling ineffective-what it taught you about yourself.

1) Many people choose Clinical Psychology because they are interested in helping people. Beyond wanting to help people, describe your reasons for choosing to do graduate work in Clinical Psychology. And what is your dream job after graduation? 2) Autobiography 3) Describe an experience of making a mistake or feeling ineffective, and what it taught […]

Compare and contrast the two profiles using the different cultural frameworks to explain both cultural differences as well as similarities

Create two intercultural biographies (taken from your interviews). Compare and contrast the information taken from the biographies and analyse the results using appropriate intercultural frameworks. a) Using the ‘Cultural Autobiography’ questionnaire create your own cultural autobiography identifying the major influences on your own life b) Using the ‘Cultural Autobiography’ questionnaire create a cultural autobiography of […]