Which of the two methods provides a more accurate forecast?

Microsoft excel application 3 4-10 The operations manager of a musical instrument distributor feels that demand for a particular type of guitar may be related to the number of YouTube views for a music video by the popular rock group Marble Pumpkins during the preceding month. The manager has collected the data shown in the […]

Is consumerism used today as a tool of American foreign policy?

Short Essay Question History House Beautiful magazine stated that the country’s most powerful weapon in the Cold War was “the freedom offered by washing machines and dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, automobiles, and refrigerators.” Analyze this statement, explaining how consumerism was used in the 1950s to combat the Cold War. Is consumerism used today as a tool […]

In two or more sentences explain how the equilibrium point is determined?

Module 2 Assignment Assessments Content Your task is to complete all assigned questions to the best of your ability. ⦁ In two or more sentences define, the Law of Supply? ⦁ In two or more sentences define, the Law of Demand? ⦁ Identify at least 4 determinants of supply? ⦁ Identify at least 4 determinants of […]

identify an example of each of the three types of motivational conflict.

Five of the topics listed. Using Figure 5.1 and the list of subjects below, identify an example of each of the three types of motivational conflict. Each type of motivation will include two different options. Explain your answers – Automobiles – Watching a movie – Cell phone – Chocolate cake – Housing  

What can Zachary recommend in his report to adapt (a proactive approach) and hold off the competition with Tesla in the electric car market?

Topic: Proactive Strategies in the Macroenvironment Simulated Business Scenario: Since Tesla started selling automobiles, Zachary, Tesla’s CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) has guided the brand to go further and faster than any other vehicle startup in history. He has created the image that Tesla is to cars what Apple has long been to consumer electronics, with […]

What were the management, organization-technological issues that contributed to the failure of Nasty Gal?

E case studies below provide you with an opportunity to critically analyze events that are taking place in real-life businesses. This helps to develop your critical thinking and research skills as you research each of these scenarios. For this assignment, you will review four case studies, one from Chapter 9, one from Chapter 10, one […]

How could the stage-gate process slow down innovation-Is the stage-gate process more conducive to an incremental or discontinuous innovation?

MBA580 In Milestone One, you recommended an innovation option (incremental or discontinuous) to the organization from the course scenario. Now that senior management of the company has approved your recommendation, your task is to find an efficient process for your cross-functional team to follow during the development of your innovation. Remember that your perspective is […]

create a presentation that will include your recommendation for how the company should approach this business problem: should you use incremental or discontinuous innovation?

MBA580 You work as a middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks. The chief technology officer (CTO) of the company from the course scenario has been monitoring new technology developments that the company could integrate into its vehicles to enhance the usefulness of and improve access […]