What differences do you experience between yourself and a coworker or teacher) from a different generation?

Today’s business environment is the first one in which five generations of people are likely to be working at the same time. The differences in age could create conflict between the younger and older employees. However, the differences between employee ages should be cherished and used as a source of information to help sell company […]

What has been the response from your organization to address generational diversity?

Leadership Theory After careful review of the readings for this week, describe the positive and negative practices employed by either your current or past workplace in their attempt to address diversity and inclusion. How was the organization pro-diversity (gender, race, ethnicity, age, disability, religious, etc.)? Or did the organization lack diversity, and if so, explain. […]

How did this creative or innovative approach influence your purchasing decision? Share two “top” ideas to be considered for marketing the brand connected to Milestone Two in Module Six

Module4_Discussion While traditional marketing methods are the cornerstone of any organization’s growth, creativity, and innovation, within traditional marketing is a definitive way of energizing any business offering. By being innovative and creative in its marketing efforts, an organization lends itself to being seen as dynamic, open to feedback, and always improving its offering. In your […]