Give a brief description of the event or the situation along with the historical/political backgrounds contributing to this event.2.

1. Give a brief description of the event or the situation along with the historical/political backgrounds contributing to this event.2. Share why this article interests you. 3. Briefly discuss the implications of this event/story LOCALLY (where the event/situation occurred) and GLOBALLY. 4. As believers, how can we respond to this situation? (Your response should contain […]

Write a brief summary of an interaction in which you participated where this concept shows up Discuss what you observed (saw, heard…) in the other’s behavior during the interaction.

Items to be included in each analysis and evaluation of a concept Choose one concept from the chapter of your choosing o Write an assumption that you have about that chosen concept o Underneath, write background information on yourself that influences having this assumption Write an assumption about the same concept from the other person’s […]