What is the relationship between gut bacteria and chronic fatigue syndrome?

SCI 100 Module Three Activity Template: Finalizing Your Scientific Research Question  Instructions Select one research question from those you wrote in the previous module. Use instructor feedback and what you have learned thus far in the course to revise your research question. Then, write your finalized research question below. Example The following example may provide […]

Why are antiviral drugs more difficult to design than antibacterial drugs?

W2 Assignment 1: Choose Your Microbe A. Read the eTextbook Chapter 3: Bacteria and Archaea and answer the following question prompts: Discuss the structure and function of the bacterial cell wall. How do the features of the cell wall contribute to the development of Gram Staining techniques? Explain how a flagellum enables motility. Compare and […]

Explain why a patient might seek treatment from an OTC supplement instead of a more effective prescription drug.

APharmD1/2 One page for Each Section Locate at least one scholarly source that addresses theses topics in support of your perspective in a 250-word each section 1Select one commonly acquired over-the-counter (OTC) herbal supplement and give a brief discussion on its mechanism of action. Explain why a patient might seek treatment from an OTC supplement […]

What should we do to make use of this kind of information-Will this information make you think differently about the huge responsibility that comes with nurturing the microbes that live in and on you?

Microbiome How does our Microbiome make us who we are? Did you have any idea that the health and diversity of your gut bacteria was so important? What should we do to make use of this kind of information? Will this information make you think differently about the huge responsibility that comes with nurturing the […]

Describe three digestive disorders, including their causes as well as any nutritional interventions used in their treatment.

1.)Describe three digestive disorders, including their causes as well as any nutritional interventions used in their treatment. 2.)Probiotics are often suggested as a dietary supplement to reduce diarrhea symptoms when one is taking antibiotics for some types of infection. What effect would antibiotics have on digestion? Why might probiotics help? 3.)Describe how the mouth is […]

Why do you think it is that every cell uses this molecule? Why hasn’t an organism come up with a different method of energy production and storage?

Enzyme and ATP Questions 1) Find an enzyme that is beneficial to the human race, but is NOT a part of our bodies. Describe it and the reaction it works on. Why is it important to us? 2) Why ATP? – ATP is used by all cells, whether they are from a bacteria or a […]

Why would some bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?-Explain this in terms of evolution by natural selection.

Antibiotics in Evolution A 2-3 page paper on a driving question guiding this topic on evolution: “Why would some bacteria become resistant to antibiotics? Explain this in terms of evolution by natural selection. Use the following guidelines below as points that you can use to answer the question. You can include other points not included […]