Investigate and discuss the history of banking and interest in the United States and in other countries.

Write a 3 – 5 page paper in MLA format. Include at least 2 credible references (on a separate page) in MLA format. • Investigate the history of banking and interest in the United States and in other countries. Present your findings in your own words. Provide specific examples and how they are used or […]

Explain What organizational life Cycle was Wells Fargo in at the time of the scandal?

1. In your personal experience with companies that you have worked for or know about, where have you seen a company’s mission, vision and value statements being inline with the behaviors of its leadership in relation to their customers and/or employees? Conversely, where have you seen a company’s leadership have behaved in a contradictory manner […]

Explain how employee experiences of organisational support practices (or factors) tie in with the discourse on culture in banking

The literature review should be in the context of COVID-19 1. Employee Experience in the changing orgainsational context and people practices during digital transformation to enable remote work. 2. Argue (with research evidence) how employee experiences of organisational support practices (or factors) tie in with the discourse on culture in banking Recent References for covid […]

Discuss,Is the banking industry being too rigorously regulated by new banking laws to the point that it may increase costs to consumers? Will this rigorous regulation of banks prevent another financial crisis in the future?

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is a historic piece of legislation impacting a wide variety of financial institutions. While many of the substantive changes included in the legislation mandates studies over the next several months and beyond by various regulatory agencies, these mandates will affect financial institutions’ financing and business decisions. […]

Compare BCA Bank Vs overall Indonesian bank performance from 1980 to present

1) Compare BCA Bank Vs overall Indonesian bank performance from 1980 to present 2) establish a timeline/chart depicting BCA bank in terms of success and failure vs Indonesian banking industry average 3) identify key areas that led to the success/failure vs industry from 1980 to present 4) identify key strategy that BCA might have leveraged […]