Is there anything the mobile payment systems could do to increase the likelihood of them becoming dominant?

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile payment systems in (a) developed countries and (b) developing countries? What are the key factors that differentiate the different mobile payment systems? Which factors do consumers care most about? Which factors do merchants care most about? Are there forces that are likely to encourage one […]

Describe the key deficiencies in bank regulation and risk management in financial institutions that led to Basil III.

Assignment 1 Questions: Week 2, Week 3 & Week 4 (15 Marks) Q.1. Discuss different types of risks faced by banks and financial institutions.Critically examine why regulating banks and financial institutions activities are so important. Q.2. Outline the basis of the evolution of international banking regulation under Basel I (4 Marks) Q.3. Describe the key […]