Explain and comment on any factors related to organizational culture and innovation within Mattel’s setting that might have influenced the company to move in a more positive direction.

How Barbie Lost her Groove,” by Nash and Duvall (2005). Compose a persuasive response that includes the following elements: Explain why Mattel’s managers were able to slowly change decision making over time and what kinds of cognitive errors contributed. Explain and comment on any factors related to organizational culture and innovation within Mattel’s setting that […]

Describe at least three different positions on your issue, state who holds them, and give some of their reasons for holding them.

Exploratory essay Chapter 3 Reading, Thinking, and Writing about Issues Works Cited “History of Toys: Barbie Dolls.” History.com. A&E Television Networks, 2008. Web. 15 Feb. 2008. Edut, Ophira. “Giga-What? Barbie Gets Her Own Computer.” AdiosBarbie.com, n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2008. Wood, Gaby, and Frances Stonor Saunders. “Dream Doll.” New Statesman 15 Apr. 2002: 38-40. Academic […]