1. Consider backward differentiation formula (BDF). (a) Prove that thek-step BDF method is stable if and only ifk≤6 holds. (b) Prove that thek-step BDF method isA-stable ifk= 1,2. (c) Draw the regions of absolute stability of thek-step BDF withk= 1,2,3,4,5,6, respectively.

Numerical analysis of dynamic system(Master’s degree 2020)(All calculation results or figures obtained by computer must beattached with the program codes)(2 pages in total. Test paper and answer paper shall be submittedtogetherú) 1. Consider backward differentiation formula (BDF). (a) Prove that thek-step BDF method is stable if and only ifk≤6 holds. (b) Prove that thek-step BDF […]