Describe an incident or situation that created a dilemma or sense of conflict for you with regards to your research practice. What happened, where and when?

 Describe an incident or situation that created a dilemma or sense of conflict for you with regards to your research practice. What happened, where and when?  Why was this situation significant to you? What was your immediate response when it happened? How did you feel, and what did you think, after the experience? […]

Demonstrate a critical understanding and depth of knowledge of the core areas of psychology and the ability to assess their relevance in the understanding of the contemporary world.

1. Demonstrate a critical understanding and depth of knowledge of the core areas of psychology and the ability to assess their relevance in the understanding of the contemporary world 2. Critically understand the main theoretical perspectives and debates in psychology in their historical and contemporary contexts in a reflective way. 3. Read and review psychological […]

Draw on theories and empirical evidence to critically discuss the relationship between psychopathy and criminal behaviour.

Description Draw on theories and empirical evidence to critically discuss the relationship between psychopathy and criminal behaviour. -describe the relationship. (psychopaths engage in more violence and more likely to offend. draw on evidence) – use evidence/theories and empirical evidence to discuss the relationship between psychopathy and criminal behaviour. -introduction; give an overall base of what […]

Describe how the biological (medical), behaviourist and psychoanalytical models are used to explain atypical behaviour.

1.1 Using specific examples, critically discuss the concept of normality and the difficulties that are associated with a clear concept of abnormality. 1.2 Explain the main systems for the classification of mental illness. 2.1 Describe how the biological (medical), behaviourist and psychoanalytical models are used to explain atypical behaviour. 2.2 Evaluate biological, behaviourist and psychoanalytical […]

Discuss this view of ‘culture’, in relation to: • relevant literature; • relevant definitions / models of ‘culture’.

The question ‘Culture is a good excuse for bad behaviour’ Discuss this view of ‘culture’, in relation to: • relevant literature; • relevant definitions / models of ‘culture’; • ways in which the concept of ‘culture’ is used in particular Discourses / in (a) specific social context(s).

Write an argumentative essay that defines excessive consumption and proposes at least one change in social conditions and/or behaviour that would help reduce consumption.

Topic 3. Reducing consumption. Assuming that excessive consumption in the more developed countries contributes to environmentally adverse outcomes, write an argumentative essay that defines excessive consumption and proposes at least one change in social conditions and/or behaviour that would help reduce consumption. In your answer be sure to discuss the barriers that making the change […]

Evaluate the impact of the rising awareness of sustainable consumption on consumer behaviour in any country and one sector/industry of your choice. From your evaluation, draw conclusions and recommendations on how marketing to consumers will need to evolve in the future.

Description Essay Submission: 3000 Words Learning Outcomes Assessed 1,2,3 and 4. 1.Critically understand the connectivity between marketing and consumption, customers & customer behaviour. 2.Assess and appraise customer behaviour theories and concepts from a critical perspective. 3.Apply this critical evaluation of customer behaviour theory to the creation of strategic and responsible marketing practice. 4) Critically investigate […]

Critically evaluate the theories and methods commonly used in community psychology to “Change the world”

Description Critically evaluate the theories and methods commonly used in community psychology to “Change the world” You will need to provide a review of psychological theories and findings about behaviour change and persuasion that you think are useful.

Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others

Description 3.4.1 Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others 3.4.2 Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity 3.4.3 Establish and sustain a safe, inclusive learning environment The student should complete a policy document explaining the following issues: The importance of promoting appropriate behaviour and respect for others. Ways […]

Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others

3.4.1 Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others 3.4.2 Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity 3.4.3 Establish and sustain a safe, inclusive learning environment The student should complete a policy document explaining the following issues: The importance of promoting appropriate behaviour and respect for others. Ways to […]