How does publicity create a gap between our real life and our dream life?

Intro to Reasoning video questions Watch the video and answer the following questions: broadcast in 1972 and then address the following questions: 1) What does publicity propose to each of us? How does Berger define publicity? 2) What constitutes glamour? Why is glamour a new idea? What kind of society produces social envy? 3) In […]

Discuss Berger’s ideas on the relationship between animals and man.

Animals discussion Discuss Berger’s ideas on the relationship between animals and man. Do you agree with the point he is trying to make? Either way, make sure to use quotes from the reading to discuss your point. Discuss the ideas of the Video, do they agree with Berger’s theory or not? Make sure to explain […]

Do your pre-judgements about gender affect your own perceptions of this image, or of visual culture more broadly?

Week 11 Discussion In this discussion, you will apply a materialist critique of art and analyze how pre-judgments impact perception. You will also consider the artist’s intention. Your Tasks In Ways of Seeing, Berger observes that in art and media, “men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at.” To examine this quote, select […]

According to Berger (2020) change usually occurs when there is unfavorable situation or a new idea for the future development of a change that should occur within the organization. Explain Your thoughts?

WEEK 7 responding to the instructor Rossy and class, Discussion. According to Berger (2020) change usually occurs when there is unfavorable situation or a new idea for the future development of a change that should occur within the organization. Explain Your thoughts?