How does the Bible’s directives differ from what is currently considered “normal” or “abnormal” in your culture or environment? 

Discussion Thread What is Adnormal? After completing the assigned readings, discuss the concept of “abnormality” from a Biblical perspective. What is considered “normal” and “abnormal” types of cognitions and behaviors? What does the Bible say about abnormal or deviant behavior? How does the Bible’s directives differ from what is currently considered “normal” or “abnormal” in your culture or environment? How can […]

Discuss the Biblical implications of reliable and representationally faithful financial statements.

Create a discussion thread that addresses the following areas: What is financial statement analysis? Why is financial statement analysis an important area of study? What is learned from the process of financial statement analysis? Discuss the Biblical implications of reliable and representationally faithful financial statements.

What are some biblical principles that can be applied to making choices and planning?

Brief Paper: The Higher Education Marketplace AssignmentInstructions Explain how the higher education industry is similar to a marketplace using terms and concepts commonly used by economists. For example, how do concepts such as demand and supply, buyers and sellers, and competition and production relate to our study of the economics of higher education? Throughout this […]

Write a 2000 – 2500-word APA-compliant position paper presenting your creed (definition and principles cite appropriate bases for your beliefs) and examples of a Christian Worldview of leading.

Topic: Apostle’s creed and examples of a Christian Worldview of leading, Write a 2000 – 2500-word APA-compliant position paper presenting your creed (definition and principles cite appropriate bases for your beliefs) and examples of a Christian Worldview of leading. In this case, though, the assignment is to write your Biblical Worldview/apologetic about three concepts – […]

Explain biblical analysis of the key ideas associated with the man-centered servant leadership (contemporary/worldly) perspective.

Biblical Integration The purpose of the individual biblical integration paper is to explore the topic of servant leadership in a non-exhaustive scholarly manner that will be useful in the field of Business. In this individual project, learners will be able to demonstrate comprehension of man-centered (contemporary/worldly) and Christ-centered (biblical) servant leadership as it relates to […]

Identify at least two other passage of scripture you could use to explain how systems should operate from a Biblical perspective.

Systems from Biblical Perspective After viewing Watch: Systems from a Biblical Perspective, you should understand what Ephesians 4:3-7, 11-16 says about the Body of Christ, and how it applies to systems. In your thread, you will identify at least two other passage of scripture you could use to explain how systems should operate from a […]

How are the key points, concepts, strategies, lessons learned, etc. related to Biblical teachings?

Week 2 Discussion – HumanResources The original post must address EACH of the following questions in separate paragraphs: 1. After reading the article, briefly summarize the key points, concepts, strategies, lessons learned, etc. 2. What did you learn about yourself? 3. How can you apply what you learned to the course topic? 4. How are […]

Outline and explain dietary needs (calories, macro, and micro-nutrient) from preschool to adolescents.

Course Project: Case Study Analysis Assignment 1. Create updated anthropometric, clinical, and dietary data for this patient in preschool, pre-adolescents, and adolescents. 2. Assess updated data and discuss. 3. Outline and explain dietary needs (calories, macro, and micro nutrient) from preschool to adolescents. Be sure in your explanation that you discuss how their needs differ […]