What are four things you can do to ensure that the treatment outcomes for your clients will generalize to settings outside your office?

Change Essay Assignment: Change (Module 5) 1. Assume you have a new position as a counselor. What are four things you can do to ensure that the treatment outcomes for your clients will generalize to settings outside your office? 2. Explain forgetting from a Biblical perspective. Is it possible? Why or why not? Use concepts […]

What are some moral “fouls” that we may employ in our attempts to persuade others? Offer a Biblical perspective on the power of persuasion and how it can be used irresponsibly.

Speaking to persuade Provide a response to the below discussion board topic. It is for a private Christian school so must be written that way. thank you. Topic: Have you ever been in an argument and known there was something wrong with the other person’s position, but couldn’t pin down exactly what it was? What […]

What, if any, are the distinguishable differences between diversity-ethnic reconciliation?

Assignment 2b: MIN9442-V01-SP22DiscussionsAssignment 2b: Ethnic Reconciliation Discussion Introduction In the readings, you will read about community, culture, cultural exclusiveness, and cultural inclusiveness.Give special attention to discern the role of community and the cultural impact on the worship of God. Questions What does the Bible say about ethnic reconciliation? What, if any, are the distinguishable differences […]

How does the sound or language contribute to the poem’s meaning?-Does the rhythm affect what the poet is trying to convey?

Poetry Analysis 1 1.What is the theme of the poem? What is the poet trying to say? What is the poem about? 2.What happens in the poem? Are conflicts or themes introduced? Resolved? 3.Who is the speaker? What is the “point of view” or perspective of the speaker? The perspective might be social, intellectual, political, […]

What biblical character in the New Testament would you say gives greatest evidence of the integration of business and mission/ministry in action?

Biblical Evidence of Integration of Business as Mission What biblical character in the New Testament would you say gives greatest evidence of the integration of business and mission/ministry in action? In their lives and actions, what application do you see of our development of a biblical-theological view of business and work from Unit #1 related […]

What perspective did you gain from formulating this proposal and doing research on this topic?

Scholarly paper/How to Prevent Pressure Ulcers Your paper should be five to six pages in length (not including the title page or references section) and have at least three quality references. Objective/Criteria for Scholarly Paper on Change Critical Thinking—Introduction/Analysis/Command of Concept per Bloom’s Taxonomy Introduction: Clinical Problem/Issue/Thesis Statement What is the clinical practice problem/issue selected? […]

Compare & Contrast Model Paper the Prodigal Church by Jared Wilson and Deep and Wide by Andy Stanley.

Compare & Contrast Model Paper the Prodigal Church by Jared Wilson and Deep and Wide by Andy Stanley. Instructions: Develop a brief biblical, theological argument concerning what God’s design for the church gathering is in regard to the arguments presented in both books. Arguments must be developed from Scripture with scriptural citations (i.e., Heb 10:24-25). […]

How does Anastasia’s story compare with Ezek 37? Is Anastasia Christian? Jewish? Another faith?Discuss

Read Ezekiel 37 and then read the short story ATTACHED “But the Dark Vanished,” posted under Extra Credit on Blackboard. Write a 600-900 word reflection answering the following questions for 15 points. (1) Compare the story of Jeush with the biblical text. Is his story faithful to the biblical text? Do the details not contained […]

What mood does the beat reflect, who did they sample, is it relevant to the meaning of the song? Does it have something to do with the artist or the producer only? Are there any lyrics that define the album? (these are example questions).

Example: Wu-Tang Forever as an archival, mythical and biblical narrative of societal pressure and self-awareness. Sounds deep right? I want you to really LISTEN, not just hear an album. Dissect its meaning, the artists history, the codes in the songs and the references the artist speaks on. Where did they grow up? Is that present […]

Discuss the role that ethics plays in the public administration context.

Module/Week 1 Essay Discuss the following: Evaluate competing worldview/philosophical perspectives on ethics. Discuss the role that ethics plays in the public administration context. Synthesize a Biblical/covenantal model of statesmanship, leadership and organizational behavior with the above. Module/Week 3 Essay Discuss the following: Define the term statesmanship and explain its relevance to effective and ethical public […]