How are the two Gospels different from one another?

Read the article provided called, “Different Ways of Looking at the Birth of Jesus: Narrative strategies in New Testament infancy narratives,” and the biblical accounts in Matthew and Luke and compare them “horizontally.” There is a comparison table provided that helps you find where some of the differences between Matthew and Luke’s Nativity narratives are. […]

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each piece of legislation discussed select a major piece of legislation and take a stance either in support or opposition of that legislation

analyze, compare and contrast various pieces of major legislation that relate to the global war on terror (i.e. the U.S.A. Patriot Act (USAPA), the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), etc.). discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each piece of legislation discussed select a major piece of legislation and take a stance either in support or […]

 How does the biblical text help interpret the selected works of art? How do the selected works of art help interpret the biblical text?

How does the biblical text help interpret the selected works of art? How do the selected works of art help interpret the biblical text? – Show reflective engagement with at least one of the five main themes discussed in Weeks 6-10 of the module (“Incarnation”, “Mary and the Word”, “Passion and Crucifixion”, “Resurrection”, “Revelation”). – […]